Komognisi Mahasiswa dalam Memahami Turunan Berdasarkan Heterogenitas Kelompok Gaya kognitif
Student Commognitive in understanding of Derivative Based on Heterogeneous Style Cognitive Groups
Mahasiswa lebih cenderung berusaha untuk memperoleh jawaban yang benar ketika menyelesaikan soal turunan. Meskipun mahasiswa dapat menyelesaikan dengan benar, mereka belum tentu dapat menjelaskan penyelesaiannya dengan baik. Kognisi dan komunikasi yang dilakukan seorang mahasiswa akan sangat mempengaruhi proses belajar. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penjelasan yang diberikan oleh mahasiswa tidak mendukung proses kognitif. Untuk mengatasi situasi ini, kita perlu memahami bagaimana proses kognitif yang mengarah pada pemahaman tersebut. Salah satu alat sederhana yang memungkinkan untuk kepentingan tersebut adalah teori komognisi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) komognisi mahasiswa dalam memahami turunan pada kelompok homogen bergaya field-independent, (2) komognisi mahasiswa dalam memahami turunan pada kelompok homogen bergaya field-dependent, (3) komognisi mahasiswa dalam memahami turunan pada kelompok heterogen bergaya field-independent dan field-dependent. Subjek pada penelitian 12 orang yang dipilih dari 41 mahasiswa Pendidikan matematika di Palu berdasarkan tes gaya kognitif. Selanjutnya, subjek dibagi menjadi empat kelompok yang masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari tiga orang mahasiswa. Kelompok 1 semua subjek field-indendent, kelompok 2 semua subjek field-dependent. Kelompok 3 terdiri dari 2 subjek field-independent dan 1 subjek field-dependent. Kelompok 4 terdiri dari 1 subjek field-independent dan 2 subjek field-dependent. Di sisi lain, subjek diambil berdasarkan kemampuan matematika yang relatif sama dengan skor 70 dan gender yang sama yaitu feminime.
Alat yang mendukung pengumpulan data adalah: 1) Instrumen GEFT yang dikembangkan oleh Witkin et al. (1971) untuk menentukan kategori mata pelajaran berdasarkan gaya kognitif field-independent (FI) dan field-dependent (FD), 2) Tes Kemampuan Matematika (TKM) yang terdiri dari 10 soal uraian untuk memilih subjek yang kemampuan matematikanya relatif sama, 3) Kuesioner gender yang ada, dan 4) Tugas memahami Turunan (TMT) berdasarkan tujuh proses kognitif, yaitu menafsirkan, mencontohkan, mengklasifikasikan, meringkas, menyimpulkan, membandingkan dan menjelaskan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan sebagai berikut: (1) memberikan tugas pemahaman turunan kepada masing-masing kelompok, (2) mengamati selama bekerja, dan (3) mewawancara subjek berdasarkan tugas.
Data yang di analisis pada penelitian ini adalah data transkrip wawancara, data dokumen dan catatan lapangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga tahapan dalam analisis data yaitu data condensation, data display dan conclusion drawing and verification. Untuk memvalidasi temuan, peneliti menerapkan within-method triangulation dengan merancang dan mengimplementasikan dua tugas berbeda untuk setiap kategori pemahaman untuk melihat apakah temuan-temuan tersebut menyatu dengan makna yang sama.
Hasil penelitian pada mahasiswa bergaya field-independent menunjukkan bahwa aspek komognisi seperti keyword, visual mediator, endorsed narrative dan routines tidak semuanya muncul selama mahasiswa tersebut memahami turunan. Kata kunci mahasiswa muncul pada fase use objectified. Menuliskan simbol, menyebutkan simbol dan menunjukan simbol dengan gerakan tangan sebagai mediator visual. Menggunakan definisi dan teorema pada limit dan turunan dalam prosedur rutin. Mahasiswa cenderung menggunakan wacana rutin ritual daripada wacana rutin eksplorasi. Di sisi lain, rutin deed tidak muncul. Selanjutnya, bentuk komognisi, seperti gesture dan semiosis juga ditemukan.
Hasil yang diperoleh pada mahasiswa bergaya field-dependent, menunjukkan bahwa aspek komognitif seperti kata kunci, mediator visual, endorsed narrative, dan rutin muncul pada setiap kategori. Peneliti memberikan scaffolding untuk mendapatkan respon dari mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian pada mahasiswa bergaya field-independent-dependent menunjukan bahwa subjek lebih cenderung menggunakan wacana rutin ritual, yaitu flexibility pada kategori exemplifying, by whom the routine is performed pada kategori classifying dan summarizing, applicability pada kategori inferring dan closing conditional pada kategori explaining. Rutin ritual yang dihasilkan merupakan suatu process-oriented rutin melalui individualizing. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini dalam meyelesaikan soal tidak hanya berorientasi kepada jawaban benar atau hanya bisa menjawab, akan tetapi mahasiswa perlu bisa menjelaskannya.
Students are more likely to obtain correct solutions in solving derivative problems. Even though students can complete it correctly, they may not necessarily be able to explain the solution well. Cognition and communication by the students will greatly affect the subsequent learning process. This shows that the provided explanation which is given by students does not support the cognitive process. To overcome this situation, we need to understand how the cognitive processes that lead to such understanding. One simple tool that allows for this purpose is the theory of commognition.
This study aims to describe (1) field-independent student commognition in understanding derivatives in homogeneous group of cognitive style (2) field-dependent style student commgnition in understanding derivatives in homogeneous group of cognitive style (3) field-independent-dependent style student commgnition in understanding derivatives in heterogeneous groups of cognitive styles.
The subjects in this study are 12 students who were selected from 41 students of Mathematics Education in Palu based on cognitive style tests. In addition, the subjects were divided into four groups and each group consists of three students. Group 1 was all field independent subjects, group 2 was all field dependent subjects. Group 3 consisted of 2 field-independent subjects and 1 field-dependent subject. Group 4 consisted of 1 field-independent subject and 2 field-dependent subjects. On the other hand, subjects are taken based on relatively similar mathematical ability with 70 score and the same gender, namely feminine.
The supporting data collection tools are 1) GEFT instrument developed by Witkin et al. (1971) to determine subject categories based on FI and FD cognitive styles, 2) Mathematical Ability Test (TKM) consisting of 10 essay questions to select the subjects of relatively the same mathematics ability, 3) Existing gender questionnaire, and 4) Tasks of Understanding Derivatives (TMT) based on the seven cognitive processes, namely interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing, inferring, comparing and explaining. The main data collection proceeded as follows: (1) Giving the task of understanding derivatives to subjects of each group, (2) Observing them during the work, and (3) Interviewing each subject based on the tasks.
The data analyzed in this study are interview transcripts, subjects’ works, and field notes. This research follows three stages of qualitative data analysis namely, data condensation, data display and conclusion drawing and verification. To ensure the findings, we applied within-method triangulation. We designed and implemented two different tasks for each category of understanding to see whether the findings converged to the same meaning.
The results obtained in field-independent Style Student’s show that the commognitive aspects such as keywords, visual mediators, endorsed narratives, and routines were not all arising during the students' understanding processes. The Keywords Subject arose in the use objective phase. Writing symbols, mentioning symbols and showing symbols with hand movements are all as the visual mediators. Use definitions and theorems on limits and derivatives in the routine procedures. Students tended to use ritual routines instead of exploration routines discourse. On the other side, deeds routines did not appear. Furthermore, the forms of commognition, such as gesture and semiosis, are figured out.
The results obtained in field-dependent Style Student’s show that the commognitive aspects such as keyword, visual mediators, endorsed narrative, and routines appear in each category. However, the scaffolding should be provided by the researcher to obtain the responses from the students.
The analysis results show that the commognitive aspects such as keywords, visual mediators, endorsed narratives, and routines were not all arising during the students' understanding processes. The keywords Subject arose in the use objective phase. Writing symbols, mentioning symbols and showing symbols with hand movements are all as the visual mediators. Use definitions and theorems on limits and derivatives in the routine procedures. Students tended to use ritual routines instead of exploration routines discourse. On the other side, deeds routines did not appear. Furthermore, the forms of commognition, such as gesture and semiosis, are figured out.
The results obtained in Field-independent- dependent Style Student’s showed that the subjects were more likely to use routine ritual discourse, namely flexibility on the exemplifying category, by whom the routine is performed on classifying and summarizing categories, applicability on inferring category, and closing conditional on explaining category. The result of ritual routine is a process-oriented routine through individualizing. This result implies that solving the questions is not only oriented towards the correct answers or only being able to answer, but also students need to explain it well.