Perancangan Corporate Identity Backroom Coffee Roastery
Nama : Rony Wijaya Kusuma Putra
Nim : 16020163027
Program Studi : D3 Desain Grafis
Jurusan : Desain
Fakultas : Bahasa dan Seni
Nama Lembaga : Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Pembimbing : Asidigisianti Surya Patria, S.T., M.Pd.
Backroom Coffee Roastery adalah sebuah usaha roastery coffee di Surabaya yang memproduksi roasted bean. Produk – produk dari Backroom Coffee Roastery berupa roasted bean kopi robusta, kopi arabika, dan house blend untuk kopi espresso dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia.
Walau telah empat tahun beroprasi namun tidak ada perkembangan yang signifikan terhadap usaha ini, hal ini dikarenakan tidak adanya strategi branding yang efektif. Selama ini promosi hanya dilakukan melalui media social instagram dan word of mouth di kalangan yang cukup sempit sehingga informasi tidak menyebar luas Jika terus dibiarkan maka tak lama usaha ini akan hilang dari pasaran walaupun memiliki potensi yang baik.
Perancangan Corporate idendtity ini dilakukan untuk memberi solusi atas permasalahan tersebut. Dengan perancangan ini diharapkan dapat tercipta brand awareness di benak masyarakat akan usaha Backroom Coffee Roastery melalui berbagai perancangan desain yang menarik dan memberikan ciri khas yang unik.
Kata Kunci : Roastery, Roasted bean, House blend
Designing Corporate Identity Backroom Coffee Roastery
Name : Rony Wijaya Kusuma Putra
Study Program : D3 Graphic Design
Department : Design
Faculty : Language and Art
Name of Institution : Surabaya State University
Advisor : Asidigisianti Surya Patria, S.T., M.Pd.
Backroom Coffee Roastery is a coffee roastery business in Surabaya that produces roasted beans. Products from Backroom Coffee Roastery include roasted bean robusta coffee, arabica coffee, and house blend for espresso coffee from various regions in Indonesia. Although it has been operating for four years, there has been no significant development in this effort, this is due to the absence of an effective branding strategy. So far, promotions have only been carried out through Instagram social media and word of mouth in circles that are quite narrow so that information does not spread widely If it continues to be allowed, soon this business will disappear from the market despite having good potential. This Corporate IDD design is done to provide solutions to these problems. With this design it is expected to be able creating brand awareness in the minds of the public about the business of Backroom Coffee Roastery through various attractive design designs and unique characteristics
Key Word : Roastery, Roasted bean, House blend