Name : Lathifatuz Zuhriyah
NIM : 16030654062
Study Program : S1 Science Education
Major : Science
Faculty : Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Name of Institution : State University of Surabaya
Supervisor : Dr. Wahono Widodo, M.Si.
This research is a type of development research that aims to describe the feasibility and produce student worksheet oriented of guided discovery learning using mind mapping to train students science process skills in liquid pressure submersion. The feasibility of the worksheets that are developed are reviewed based on aspects of validity, practicality and effectiveness. This development research uses the 4D method (Design, define, develop and assess) but it is limited to the develop stage. The target of this study consisted of 30 students of class VIII-B MTsN Gresik. Data collection methods used include the observation method, the questionnaire method, and the test method. The results of the study using a guided discovery-oriented student worksheet using mind mapping to train students' science process skills in liquid pressure submitters in terms of validity were declared feasible, because all the criteria were assessed to be of good minimum category with a score of 3 so that they could be said to be valid. In the aspect of practicality in terms of the implementation of learning at meetings I, II, and III declared feasible because all the activities observed obtained a minimum score of 3 with a good category. While the average rating on the response of students who answered "yes" was obtained by 96% with a very good category. Then in the aspect of effectiveness in terms of the results of the pretest and posttest, declared feasible based on science process skills test data each student has an average of n-gain of 0.9 with a high category and the data improvement of science process skill indicators has an average of n-gain of 0.8 with the high category.
Keywords: development, worksheets, guided discovery, mind mapping, science process skills