Nama : Azizah Nur RachmaNIM : 15020114025Prodi/Jurusan : S1/Pendhidhikan Bahasa dan Sastra DaerahFakultas : Fakultas Bahasa dan SeniLembaga : Universitas Negeri SurabayaPembimbing : Prof. Dr. Hj. Darni, M.Hum
Panliten iki nduweni ancas kanggo mbandhingake rong karya sastra arupa novel yaiku novel Sumi anggitane Tiwiek S.A. nganggo basa Jawa lan novel Laskar Pelangi anggitane Andrea Hirata nganggo basa Indonesia. Underane panliten iki ana telu, yaiku (1) Kepriye kahanan ekonomi sajrone novel Sumi anggitane Tiwiek S.A. lan novel Laskar Pelangi anggitane Andrea Hirata ? (2) Kepriye kahanan sosial sajrone novel Sumi anggitane Tiwiek S.A. lan novel Laskar Pelangi anggitane Andrea Hirata ?(3) Kepriye upaya saka paraga kanggo nggayuh pendhidhikan sajrone novel Sumi anggitane Tiwiek S.A. lan novel Laskar Pelangi anggitane Andrea Hirata?. Selaras klawan underan panliten ancas panliten yaiku (1) kanggo ngandharake ngenani kahanan ekonomi sajrone kaloro novel kasebut (2) kanggo ngandharake ngenani kahanan sosial sajrone kaloro novel kasebut (3) kanggo ngandharake upaya kanggo nggayuh pendhidhikan sajrone kaloro novel kasebut.Teori kang digunakake kanggo nganalisis sastra bandhingan iki yaiku teori Afinitas, miturut Sapardi. Metodhe kang digunakake kanggo panliten iki yaiku metodhe kualitatif. Sumber dhatane awujud Novel Sumi lan Novel Laskar Pelangi. Kanggo nglumpukake dhata kasebut ngangge teknik simak lan maca. Kanggo ngandharake lan njlentrehake data, nganggo analisis metodhe deskriptif analisis.Asile panliten yaiku (1) ngandharake ngenani kahanan ekonomi sajrone kaloro novel kasebut (2) ngandharake ngenani kahanan sosial sajrone kaloro novel kasebut (3) ngandharake upaya kanggo nggayuh pendhidhkan sajrone kaloro novel kasebut.Tembung-tembung wigati : afinitas, tema, lan pendhidhikan
Name : Azizah Nur RachmaNIM : 15020114025 Prodi/Department : S1/Study of Javanesse LiteratureFaculty : Fakultas Laguage and ArtUniversity : Universitas Negeri SurabayaMentor : Prof. Dr. Hj. Darni, M.Hum
The aim from this study is for compare literary works in the form of novels, namely two novels with different languages, namely Indonesian with the title Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata with a Javanese novel entitled Sumi by Tiwiek S.A. There are three problem formulations from this study, namely (1) What are the economic conditions of the Sumi Novel and Laskar Pelangi Novel? (2) What are the social conditions of the Sumi Novel and Laskar Pelangi Novel? (3) What are the efforts of the leaders to pursue education from the Sumi Novel and Laskar Pelangi Novel? In accordance with the formulation of the problem, the objectives of this research are (1) Knowing the economic situation of Sumi Novel and Laskar Pelangi Novel? (2) Knowing the social conditions of Sumi Novel and Laskar Pelangi Novel? (3) Knowing the efforts of the leaders to pursue education from the Sumi Novel and Laskar Pelangi Novel? The theory used to analyze comparative literature is a theory of affinity, according to Sapardi. The method of this study is a qualitative method. The source of the data is Novel Sumi and Novel Laskar Pelangi. The way to collect data is by listening and reading techniques. And to explain the data, using descriptive analysis method analysis. The results of this study are (1) explaining the economic conditions of the two novels (2) explaining the social conditions of the two novels (3) explaining the efforts of the leaders to gain education from both novels.Key word : affinity, theme, and education