Anis Nurhayati. 2022. Development of Student Worksheets
(LKPD) Based on Local Wisdom Values on Bojonegoro Batik Motifs to Improve
Critical Thinking Skills for Fourth Grade Elementary School Students. Thesis,
Postgraduate Basic Education Program, Surabaya State University. Supervisors:
(1) Dr. Agus Suprijono, M. Si and (2) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Turhan Yani, MA
Keywords: Student Activity
Sheet, value of local wisdom, critical thinking skills
The aims of this study was
to produce LKPD based on the value of local cultural wisdom of Bojonegoro batik
motifs to improve critical thinking skills. The subjects used are social
studies material the fourth grade students because the material is always
evolving and is closely related to the student's environment. Batik is also
very well known by students so it is very appropriate to be used as a medium or
source of learning.
The research and
development procedure used the Four D (4D) model, field trials with a one-group
pretest-posttest design. Data collection techniques through observation,
questionnaires, and tests. Observations were made to observe the implementation
of the learning design using LKPD and student activities during learning.
Questionnaires are used to determine student responses for supplement books,
while tests are to measure students' critical thinking skills. Data analysis
technique is used determine the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of
LKPD is descriptive qualitatively with percentage technique and analysis
through n-gain calculation.
The results showed (1) the
Student Activity Sheet that was developed was categorized as very valid, (2)
the Student Activity Sheet which was developed practically based on the
implementation of the lesson plan which was categorized as very good and student
activities that were relevant for learning, (3) the Student Activity Sheet
developed effective based on critical thinking test results. The N-gain
calculation is also in the high category and the completeness of student
learning outcomes also increases. The conclusion of this study is that the LKPD
based on the value of local wisdom of the Bojonegoro batik motif is appropriate
to be used to improve the critical thinking skills of elementary school