Paramitha, Citra
Pratiwi. 2022. The Effect of Learning Model Problem Based Learning
(PBL) by Applying Blended Learning to Student Learning Outcomes in Basic
Programming Subjects Viewed from Students' Computational Thinking Skills. Thesis, Technology
and Vocational Education Study, Postgraduate Program, State University of
Surabaya. Advisors: (I) Prof. Dr. H. Muchlas Samani, M.Pd., dan (II) Prof.
Dr. I.G.P. Asto Buditjahjanto, M.T.
problem based learning (PBL), blended learning, learning outcomes,
computational thinking skills.
The application of the right learning model in the learning process can
stimulate students' computational thinking skills so that student learning
outcomes in basic programming subjects increase. This study aims to determine
the effect of problem based learning (PBL) model by applying blended learning on
student learning outcomes in basic programming subjects in terms of students'
computational thinking skills.
This research uses the type of experimental research. The research design
used is a 2x2 factorial design. To determine the research sample, the researcher
used probability sampling with a simple random sampling technique. The research
sample divided into 2 groups, namely: (1) the experimental group taught using
the PBL learning model by applying blended learning; and (2) the control group
taught by the conventional PBL.
In line with the research objectives, the results showed that: (1) the
learning outcomes of the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of students
who were taught using the PBL model by applying blended learning, were significantly
higher than the learning outcomes of the cognitive, affective and psychomotor
domains of students who were taught using PBL face-to-face learning model in
basic programming subjects; (2) learning outcomes in the cognitive, affective
and psychomotor domains of students who had high computational
thinking skills,
were significantly higher than the learning outcomes
of cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of students who had low computational
thinking skills in basic programming
subjects; (3) there was a significant interaction between learning models (PBL
by applying blended learning and conventional PBL) with computational thinking
skills on student learning outcomes in basic programming subjects