Unit pengatur ketinggian tangki air yang tersedia di pasaran masih dijumpai banyak kelemahan, maka perlu dirancang pengendali yang lebih baik. Unit pengendali berupa elektronik yang terinstalasi ditangki air tidak akan mudah rusak seperti halnya yang berupa mekanik. Berdasarkan uraian diatas, maka penulis melakukan penelitian berupa analisa sistem pengendalian dan pengawasan level tangki air berbasis Arduino UNO dan internet of things. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan sensor ultrasonic US-015 dan infrared SHARP GP2Y0A21. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang sudah dilakukan, diperoleh bahwa sistem pengendalian dan pengawasan level tangki air berbasis Arduino UNO dan internet of things mampu menunjukkan unjuk kerja seperti yang diharapkan berupa ketepatan pembacaan, kesetabilan kerja sistem serta fungsi monitoring yang baik. Pada sistem akuisisi data dari internet of things menggunakan modul Wi-Fi ESP-01 sehingga kerja sistem level tangki air dapat dimonitoring melalui smartphone menggunakan aplikasi Blynk. Pembacaan pada sistem pengisian dan penggunaan air dengan menggunakan sensor ultrasonic US-015 lebih stabil dibandingkan menggunakan sensor infrared SHARP GP2Y0A21. Pengukuran sensor ultrasonic US-015 memiliki akurasi tinggi pada jarak 20-80 cm sedangkan infrared SHARP GP2Y0A21 baik pada jarak antara 20-70 cm dengan tingkat akurasi diatas 95%, sehingga penggunaan sensor ultrasonic US-015 pada sistem pengendalian dan pengawasan level tangki air lebih direkomendasikan.
Kata kunci: Level Tangki Air, Sensor Ultrasonic, Sensor Infrared, Internet of Things.
The water tank height control Unit available in the market is still found in many disadvantages, it needs to be designed better controllers. The control Unit in the form of electronically installed water will not be easily damaged as it is mechanical. Based on the explanation above, the authors conducting research in the form of analysis of control system and supervision of Arduino UNO-based water tank and Internet of things. The research was conducted using ultrasonic sensor-015 and SHARP infrared GP2Y0A21. Based on the results of tests that have been conducted, it is obtained that the control system and monitoring of the level of water tank based Arduino UNO and Internet of Things is able to show the performance as expected in the form of accuracy readings, stability and good monitoring functions. On the system of data acquisition of the Internet of things using the ESP-01 Wi-Fi module so that the water tank level system work can be monitored via a smartphone using BLYNK application. The readings on the water filling and use systems using the ultrasonic US-015 sensor are more stable than using the SHARP GP2Y0A21 infrared sensor. Measurement of Ultrasonic US-015 sensor has high accuracy at a distance of 20-80 cm while the GP2Y0A21 SHARP infrared at a distance between 20-70 cm with an accuracy rate above 95%, so that the use of ultrasonic sensors in the control system and Water tank level supervision is recommended.
Keywords: Water Tank Level, Ultrasonic Sensor, Infrared Sensor, Internet of Things.