Penelitian yang telah dilakukan bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kelayakan komik getaran dan gelombang untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa. Kelayakan komik getaran dan gelombang dapat diketahui berdasarkan penilaian oleh tiga validator, yaitu dua dosen pengampu mata kuliah gelombang dan optik serta satu guru IPA MTs kelas VIII. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data pada penelitian ini berupa lembar validasi. Terdapat lima aspek yang akan dinilai yaitu aspek kelayakan penyajian pada media komik, aspek kelayakan ilustrasi dalam media komik, aspek kelayakan penyajian alur pada media komik, aspek kelayakan materi pada media komik dan aspek kelayakaan penggunaan bahasa pada media komik. Data hasil validasi akan dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif dengan mengambil modus dari setiap skor komponen yang sesuai dengan instrumen penilaian media komik. Nilai modus yang telah didapatkan selanjutnya dikonversikan ke dalam kriteria kelayakan media komik. Hasil kelayakan media komik pada aspek penyajian diperoleh modus 4, aspek ilustrasi diperoleh modus 5, aspek alur diperoleh modus 4, aspek materi diperoleh modus 5 serta aspek bahasa diperoleh modus 5. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa komik getaran dan gelombang memperolehan modus sebesar 5 dan termasuk ke dalam kategori sangat layak. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa kelayakan komik getaran dan gelombang layak dari aspek validitas untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa.
Kata kunci: kelayakan, komik getaran dan gelombang, motivasi, hasil belajar
The research had been conducted aimed to describe feasibility of vibration and waves comic to increase student’s motivation and learning outcomes. The feasibility of vibration and waves comic could be known based on assessment by three validators, that were two lecturers supporting wave and optical courses and one eight grade science teacher of MTs. The instruments that were used to collect data in this research were validation sheets. There were five aspects will be assessed such as the feasibility of presentation of comic, the feasibility of illustration in comic, the feasibility of flow in comic, the feasibility of the material in comic and the feasibility of using language. Data from the validation results would be analyzed descriptively quantitative by taking the mode of each component score in accordance with the instrument of the comic assessment. The mode values that had been obtained were then converted into the feasibility criteria of comic. The results of feasibility research of comic on the presentation aspect was obtained mode value of four, the illustration aspect was obtained mode value of five, the flow aspect was obtained mode value of four, the material aspect was obtained mode value of five, and the language aspect was obtained mode value of five. It showed that vibration and waves comic gained mode value of five and include in very feasibility category. Based on these results, it could be concluded that the feasibility of vibration and wave comic was feasible in terms of validity to increase student motivation and learning outcomes.
Keywords: feasibility, vibration and waves comic, motivation, learning outcomes.