Agni, Daeng Galuh Puspita. 2025. The Implementation of
Differentiated Learning Methods Based on Canva Application to Enhance Students'
Creativity and Digital Literacy Skills in History Subjects for Grade X Software
Engineering Competency at SMKN Purwosari . Thesis, Study Program of
Technology and Vocational Education, Postgraduate Program, State University of
Surabaya. Advisors: (I) Dr. Subuh Isnur Haryudo, S.T., M.T., and (II) Dr.
Warju, S.Pd., S.T., M.T.
Keywords: Differentiated Learning, Canva, Creativity,
Digital Literacy
Efforts to improve the quality of education are essential
for national development since education serves as a fundamental issue in
advancing life and achieving educational goals. In the era of the industrial
revolution 4.0, technology has become a daily necessity and is crucial for
enhancing the quality of classroom learning. This study aims to implement
differentiated learning methods using the Canva application to improve
students' creativity and digital literacy skills in History subjects for Grade X
Software Engineering competency at SMKN Purwosari.
This approach is expected to assist students in
understanding history material more interactively and engagingly while
developing technological skills relevant to the digital age. The research
method employed is a quasi-experimental design, with data collected through
observation, tests, and documentation. Data were gathered via teacher-completed
observation forms and students' test results. The differentiated learning
method using the Canva application is anticipated to improve students'
creativity and digital literacy skills, especially in presenting historical
materials and enhancing their digital capabilities.
The implementation of
differentiated learning methods based on the Canva application in history
subjects for Grade X Software Engineering competency at SMKN Purwosari has
proven to have a significant impact on improving students' creativity and
digital literacy skills. This method demonstrated a clear and positive
improvement compared to the control class, not only in terms of creativity but
also in students' ability to access, process, and present information digitally
using technology.