Name : Himmatul
Student ID : 15030174057
Study Program : S-1 Mathematics Education
Departement :
Faculty :
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Institute :
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Supervisor : Rooselyna
Ekawati, Ph.D.
Mathematical connection is students’ ablity to use
connection on inter-concepts in mathematics, connection with other disciplines,
and apply mathematical ideas in the context of everyday life. Mathematical
connection can help students in uderstanding the material which have been
studied before. One of the possible ways to check students’ comprehension is by
asking them to pose a problem out of a given situation. There are three kinds
of situation in problem posing, which are free situation, semi-structured situation,
and structured situation. Different given situation enable students to use
different mathematical connection. Whereas the purpose of this research is to
analyze and to describe the students’ mathematical connection in problem posing
within free situation, semi-structured situation, and structured situation.
This is a descriptive qualitative research which has
been done on the VIII-I class of SMP Negeri 3 Gresik school year of 2018/2019.
The subject of this research consist of six students, with two students for
each given situation. Methods of data collection were done by giving
mathematical abilities test and mathematical problem posing test to all
students and interview to the choosen subjects. The data obtained were analyzed
by doing data condensation, data display and then drawing and verifying
conclusions based on mathematical connection indicators.