Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan adanya siswa yang sering berperilaku agresif di SMP Negeri 3 Sawoo Kabupaten Ponorogo sehingga sangat diperlukan suatu kajian mengenai perilaku agresif ditinjau dari perspektif Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). Di dalam kajian penelitian perilaku agresif ini akan disajikan bentuk-bentuk perilaku agresif siswa di sekolah, faktor-faktor penyebab perilaku yang dimunculkan di sekolah, perilaku agresif siswa dalam perspektif Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) , dan upaya serta hambatan konselor sekolah/ guru BK dan peran wali kelas dalam menghadapi siswa berperilau agresif di sekolah. Penelitian studi kasus ini dilaksanakan di kelas VIII A, karena terdapat dua siswa yang mendapatkan hasil penolakan tertinggi dalam sosiometri yang telah dianalisis, lalu diperkuat dengan pengamatan/ observasi di kelas VIII A dan wawancara dengan konselor/ guru BK beserta catatan anekdot BK mengenai kedua siswa tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan kajian mengenai suatu pemahaman bentuk-bentuk perilaku agresif siswa, faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan siswa berperilaku agresif, perilaku agresif ditinjau dari perspektif Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) , dan upaya serta hambatan konselor sekolah/ guru BK dan wali kelas dalam menghadapi s iswa berperilaku agresif di lingkup sekolah.
Hasil penelitian menghasilkan suatu kajian bahwa kedua siswa yang berperilaku agresif secara verbal maupun non verbal di sekolah, cenderung pada perilaku agresif non verbal seperti merusak barang, melempar barang, menyakiti orang lain secara fisik dan lain sebagainya. Faktor penyebab perilaku agresif yang dilakukan kedua siswa adalah faktor internal yakni keyakinan/ core beliefs yang menyimpang dan faktor eksternal meliputi lingkungan sekitar siswa seperti teman, keluarga maupun tuntutan sosial. Perilaku agresif kedua siswa ditinjau dari perspektif Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) disebabkan oleh adanya keyakinan inti/ core beliefs yang diyakini siswa seperti tak mampu atau helpless, tak disayang atau unlovable, dan tak berharga atau worthless. Upaya yang telah dilakukan oleh konselor sekolah/ guru BK dalam menangani kedua siswa ini adalah menegur, melaksanakan bimbingan dan konseling individu, berkolaborasi dengan wali kelas, kesiswaan serta wali murid. Tetapi, terdapat hambatan yakni tidak merubah perilaku siswa secara signifikan, hanya bersifat sesaat. Sedangkan upaya yang telah dilakukan oleh wali kelas dalam menangani kedua siswa berperilaku agresif adalah menegur, mengancam, berkolaborasi dengan konselor sekolah/ guru BK, kesiswaan dan wali murid. Hambatan yang ditemui oleh wali kelas adalah perilaku agresif siswa hanya mereda sesaat, dan kemudian perilaku agresif tersebut muncul kembali.
Kata Kunci: studi, perilaku, agresif, siswa, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), keyakinan inti
This research based on the presence of students who behave aggresively in Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 3 Sawoo, Ponorogo District so that a study of aggressive behavior is needed from the Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) perspective. In this aggressive behavioral case study will be presented such as forms of aggressive in students behavior, behavioral factors that appear in school, students’ aggressive behavior in Cognitive Beha vi o r Therapy (CBT) perspective, and the efforts and barriers of school counselor/ BK teacher and homeroom role in dealing with aggressive students at school. This case study was conducted in 8th A grade, because there were two students/ subjects who received the highest rejection score in sociometry from all 8th grade classes that had been analyzed, then reinforced by observations at class, interviews with homeroom, school counselor/ BK teacher, students guardian and BK’s anecdotal notes about two subject in school. The purpose of this study is to know and understand the forms of students aggressive behavior, factors that cause students to behave aggressively, aggressive behavior from Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) perspective and the efforts and barriers of school counselor in dealing with students that behaving aggressively in the school environment.
The results of this research in a study that subjects or students who behave aggressive verbally at school, tended to nonverbal aggressive behavior such as damage and throwing things, hurting others physically on non physically. Factors that cause aggressive behavior by two student are in internal factors and external factors. The internal factor of students aggressive behavior is their core beliefs (helpless, unlovable and worthless) and the external factors such as the environment around students like friends, family and social demands. The aggressive behavior of the two students from Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) perspective that caused by the existence of core beliefs that believed by students as being helpless, unloved or unlovable and worthless. The efforts that have been made by the school counselor in handling these two student by held individual counseling, collaborate with homerooms, the guardian of students. However, there are obstacles that can’t change the students’ behavior significantly, it happened just a short time and then the aggressive behavior reappears . While the efforts made by the homeroom teacher in handling both students behaving aggressively are reprimanding, threatening , collaborating with school counselors/ BK teacher, students’ and guardians of students. The obstacle encountered by the homeroom teacher is that aggressive behavior only
Keywords: study, behavior, aggressive, students, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, CBT, core beliefs