Name :Siti
Filda Putri Rahmawati
NIM :16020074112
Program :Educationof
Language and Literature
Department Indonesia :Indonesian
Language and Literature
Faculty of :Languages
and the Arts
Name of :Institution:State
University of Surabaya
Supervisor :Dr.
Heny Subandiyah, M. Hum.
Year :2020
Specialization in learning
Indonesian in the international world is increasing. This is evidenced in the
Ministry of Education and Culture data which states that in addition to being
implemented and sought abroad, learning Indonesian for foreign speakers is also
carried out domestically. BIPA learning is inseparable from culture, through
culture they can also learn to achieve 4 language skills. Learning media to
support them in understanding the material, one of the media used is the
application ADISJATI
Android-based for BIPA students. This media can be installed and operated on a
cellphone without having to use an internet package, this application is an
application that introduces insight into Indonesian culture, especially East
Javanese customs that can hone and measure the language skills of BIPA
The purpose of this study was
to obtain a description of (1) the process of developing application media ADISJATI
for middle level BIPA learners that is integrated between culture and language
skills. (2) the quality of application media ADISJATI for intermediate level BIPA
learners which is integrated between culture and language skills in terms of
validity, practicality and effectiveness.
This research method is
descriptive qualitative and quantitative using Sadiman's development model
which consists of 8 steps. The subjects of the research were BIPA middle-level
students at Unesa. Data collection techniques used were observation techniques,
questionnaire techniques, validation techniques and test techniques. Then
proceed with the Wilcoxon Trial to find out the differences before and after
using the media.
The results of this study
indicate that the quality of the application media android ADISJATI - based learning the introduction of Indonesian cultural insights
for BIPA students at the intermediate level is divided into three aspects
namely practicality that reaches a percentage score of 80% (practical) , validity reaches a percentage score of 83.4% (very valid) , and the effectiveness
reached a score of 88.2% (very
effective) based on the average value of the three instruments namely
student activity reaching a score of 85.3 (very good), teacher activity
reaching a score of 86 (very good), and learning outcomes reaching a score of
93.5 (very good). Based on the three aspects namely practicality, validity and
effectiveness it can be found an average of 83.8 with the category of very high quality . Then proceed with
the Wilcoxon trial to find out the influence of the application media ADISJATI
to BIPA Unesa middle-level students who obtain results t count 0 is smaller than t table 3 (0 ≥ 3) then Ha has been accepted and Ho is rejected so it can
be concluded that there is a difference in the productivity of intermediate
level BIPA students between learning
outcomes pre-test (before treatment) and post-test
(after treatment) using the application
media ADISJATI . Based on the results
of the analysis using the Wilcoxon formula, it can be seen that the media for developing
application media ADISJATI
for BIPA learners is feasible and effective for improving language skills.