Resistensi Slametan Neptu dening Warga Kelurahan Bence, Kecamatan Garum, Kabupaten Blitar
Resistance of Neptu Salvation in Bence Village, Garum District, Blitar Regency
Selamatan Neptu yang ada di Kelurahan Bence, Kecamatan Garum, Kabupaten Blitar sebagai salah satu upacara Jawa didalam bab memelihara diri. Artikel ini mempertanyakan upacara citasi, presentasi, dan performansi yang dilaksanakan warga Kelurahan Bence, Kecamatan Garum, Kabupaten Blitar. Dengan permasalahan tersebut, bisa digunakan untuk mencari tingkatan resistensi selamatan Neptu melalui berbagai jenis teknik dalam strategi citasi, presentasi, dan performansi yang dilaksanakan oleh warga Kelurahan Bence, Kecamatan Garum, Kabupaten Blitar.
Hasilnya, tingkatan resistensi di RT 2- RW 3 Dhusun Bence II, Kelurahan Bence, Kecamatan Garum, Kabupaten Blitar termasuk cukup dengan persentase 71,17% dengan jinis citasi ada tiga, yaitu afirmasi, ambivanlensi, dn rejeksi. Jenis presentasi, yaitu permanensi dan preferensi. Kemudian jenis peformansi ada tiga, yaitu mitigasi, rekognisi, dan instruksi. Dari tingkatan resistensi tersebut, selamatan Neptu berhasil dipertahankan di masyarakat. Dengan demikian, selamatan neptu harus lebih ditegakan dalam presentasi dan performansinya, supaya tidak hilang di masa mendatang. Selamatan Neptu akan tetap eksis dalam masyarakat selama bermanfaat kepada pelaku yang melaksanakan. Sebagai praktik pragmatika kultural yang demokratis, selamatan neptu tidak bisa dihubungankan dengan golongan agama tertentu.
Kata Kunci: Resistensi, Slametan Neptu,Citasi, Presentasi, lan Performansi
The neptu salvation in Bence Village, Garum District, Blitar Regency is one of the Javanese ceremonies in the chapter on self-preservation. This article focuses on the citation, presentation, and performance efforts made by the residents of Bence Village, Garum District, Blitar Regency. With this, it can be used to find the level of resistance of the neptu salvation through the types of techniques in the citation, presentation and performance strategies carried out by residents of the Bence Village, Garum District, Blitar Regency.
The result, the level of resistance in RT 2-RW 3 Bence II, Bence Village, Garum District, Blitar Regency is included in the medium with a percentage of 71.17% with three types of citation strategies, namely affirmation, ambivalence, and rejection. There are two types of presentations, namely permanence and preference. And there are three types of performance namely mitigation, recognition, and instruction. From that level of resistance, salvation can survive in society. Thus, salvation should be more emphasized on presentation and performance, so that it will not be lost in the future. Neptu salvation will remain active in the community as long as it benefits the implementing actors. As a practice of democratic cultural pragmatics, salvation cannot be associated with certain religious groups.