Hadirnya internet memunculkan beberapa konsep e-activity mulai masuk ke seluruh kegiatan manusia. Salah satu fenomena yang menarik perhatian adalah kehadiran internet pada perangkat mobile. Yang mengakibatkan terjadinya Transformasi perangkat mobile yang memunculkan aplikasi mobile. Salah satunya adalah hadirnya aplikasi “sahabat Pegadaian”, dimana platform ini ditujukan untuk mempermudah dan memberi manfaat kepada para nasabah.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Perceived Usefulness dan Perceived Ease of Use terhadap Behavioural Intention to Use system informasi pegadaian yaitu “Sahabat Pegadaian” dengan attitude Toward Using sebagai variabel intervening. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah nasabah PT. pegadaian di kantor wilayah PT. Pegadaian cabang dinoyotangsi di jalan dinoyo no. 81, Surabaya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kausalitas dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan non probability sampling yaitu purposive sampling dan convenience sampling dengan jumlah 110 responden. Analisis statistik dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis jalur dengan bantuan perangkat lunak SPSS versi 22.0 dan AMOS versi 22.0.
Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa adanya pengaruh positif dan signifikan variabel Perceived usefulness dan Perceived Ease of Use terhadap Attitude toward using dalam penggunaan system informasi PT. Pegadaian. Kemudian, Perceived usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, dan Attitude toward using juga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel Behavioral Intention to Use.
The presence of the internet raises several concepts of e-activity starting to enter into all human activities. One phenomenon that attracts attention is the presence of the internet on mobile devices. Which resulted in the transformation of mobile devices that gave rise to mobile applications. One of them is the presence of the "sahabat Pegadaian" application, where the platform is intended to facilitate and benefit customers. The purpose of this study is to know the effect of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use on Behavioral Intention to Use information system of Pegadaian "Sahabat Pegadaian" with the attitude Toward Using as an intervening variable. The population in this study are customers of PT. Pegadaian in the regional office of PT. Pegadaian (Persero) branch dinoyotangsi on the Jl. dinoyo no. 81, Surabaya. This research is a causality study with a quantitative approach. The sampling technique uses non-probability sampling, namely purposive sampling and convenience sampling with a total of 110 respondents. The statistical analysis in this study is path analysis with the help of SPSS version 22.0 and AMOS version 22.0 software. The results of this study explain that there is a positive and significant influence of Perceived usefulness variables and Perceived Ease of Use on Attitude toward using in the use of the information system PT. Pegadaian. Then, Perceived usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Attitude toward using also have a positive and significant effect on the Behavioral Intention to Use variable.