Khoirudin, Muhamad. 2022 . Application
of Self-Regulated Learning Techniques to Improve Self-Regulated Learning
Ability and Independent Learning of Students in Online Learning Situations
during the Covid-19 Pandemic . Thesis, Guidance, and Counseling Study Program,
Postgraduate, State University of Surabaya. Supervisor: (I) Dr. Eko Darminto,
M.Si. and (II) Dr. Retno Tri Hariastuti, M.Pd., Kons.
Keywords: self-regulated learning; independence
Independent learning is needed for humans throughout their lives.
However, the students of SMP Sunan Ampel Porong do not yet have optimal
learning independence. This study aims to acquire self regulated learning
abilities and increase the learning independence of Sunan Ampel Porong Junior
High School students in online learning situations during the Covid-19 pandemic
through the application of Self-Regulated Learning Techniques. This research
uses experimental research, the method used is quasi-experimental research
design with non-equivalent control group design. The research sample was 69
students of SMP Sunan Ampel Porong with two classes, the experimental class,
and the control class. Data on self-regulated learning abilities and learning
independence of students were collected using observation, interviews,
questionnaires, and document scrutiny techniques with the application of
self-regulated learning guidance instruments. Furthermore, the data were
analyzed quantitatively.
Based on the post-test t-test of the
experimental class's Self Regulated Learning ability, it is known that
the average learning outcome of the experimental class is greater than that of
the control class. From the table, it is known that the value of t count > t
table. It can be concluded that there is a significant difference in students'
SRL ability learning outcomes scores in the experimental class and the control
class. While the post-test t-test of learning independence of the experimental
class is known to have an average learning outcome of the experimental class is
greater than that of the control class. From the table, it is known that the
value of t count > t table. It can be concluded that there are significant
differences in the scores of students' independent learning outcomes in the
experimental class and the control class.