Eksistensi media begitu pesat berpengaruh terhadap intelektualitas masyarakat menghadapi berbagai isu yang berkembang. Laju derasnya suatu informasi terutamanya di dalam dunia pendidikan begitu dinamis dan kompleks. Kartunis ialah seniman yang berkemampuan mengamati bermacam fenomena serta masalah yang menyertai, utamanya tentang detail dan inti permasalahan. Peneliti interest untuk meneliti kartun opini Wahyu Kokkang sebagai media pendidikan bagi masyarakat di koran Jawa Pos tahun 2018 dikarenakan isu pendidikan yang disajikan relevan dengan dunia pendidikan di Indonesia yang heterogen , dinamis serta cepat berubah.
Penelitian ini akan mendiskripsikan tiga hal yang pertama adalah deskripsi konsep visual berdasarkan ikon, indeks dan simbol kartun opini Clekit menggunakan teori semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce. Kemudian yang kedua mendeskripsi desain pesan kartun opini Clekit (verbal) berdasarkan teori fungsional struktural Talcott Parson dan menganalisis isi pesan kartun opini Clekit berdasarkan teori kritis John Fiske, kedua hal ini dianalisis bersama dengan teori komunikasi dan teori pendidikan melalui pesan kontekstual.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian kartun opini Clekit di koran Jawa Pos sebagai media pendidikan masyarakat dapat disimpulkan bahwa ditinjau dari segi konsep visual , desain pesan dan isi pesan Clekit telah memenuhi syarat sebagai media pendidikan bagi masyarakat. Dalam teori semiotika baik itu ikon, indeks dan simbol kartun opini Clekit mengandung ketiga klasifikasi semiotika menurut Charles Sanders Pierce dalam trikotomi kedua menurut obyeknya. . Desain visual Clekit mempresentasikan makna verbal dan visual yang mewakili pesan yang kan disampaikan. Desain verbal tidak bertele-tele dan menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dipahami. Sebagai media pendidikan kartun opini Clekit melengkapi sumber bagi masyarakat untuk menjadi referensi yang mendidik, dikarenakan tidak bersifat memprovokasi.
Suprayuni, Diana. 2019. Opinion Cartoon as a Community Education Media by Wahyu Kokkang in Jawa Pos Newspaper. Thesis, Cultural Arts Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Surabaya State University. Advisor: (1) Dr. Anik Juwariyah, M.Si and (2) Dr. Djuli Djatiprambudi, M.Sn.
Keywords: Cartoon, opinion cartoon, community education
The existence of the media is so fast that it influences the intellectuality of the people facing various developing issues. The rapid pace of information especially in the world of education is so dynamic and complex. A cartoonist is an artist who is capable of observing various phenomena and accompanying problems, especially about the details and core issues. The Interest researchers is used to examine Wahyu Kokkang's opinion cartoon as an educational medium for the public in the 2018 Jawa Pos newspaper because educational issues presented are relevant to the world of education in Indonesia that is heterogeneous, dynamic and changing rapidly.
An emerging problem must be established in advance so that a clear picture of the boundaries of the problem will be obtained. This research is to describe the visual concept in an opinion cartoon based on icons, indices and symbols, describing the message design of an opinion cartoon by Wahyu Kokkang, analyzing the content of an opinion cartoon message by Wahyu Kokkang
This research will describe three things. the first is a description of the visual concept based on Clekit's icon, index and cartoon symbol using Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic theory. Then the second describes the design of the Clekit opinion (verbal) cartoon message based on Talcott Parson's structural functional theory and analyzes the contents of the Clekit opinion cartoon message based on John Fiske's critical theory, both of which are analyzed together with communication theory and educational theory through contextual messages
Based on the results of the Clekit opinion cartoon research in Jawa Pos newspaper as a public education media, it can be concluded that in terms of visual concepts, message design and message content Clekit has qualified as an educational medium for the community. In the theory of semiotics both Clekit icons, indices and opinion cartoon symbols contain all three semiotic classifications according to Charles Sanders Pierce in the second trichotomy according to the object. . Visual Design Clekit presents verbal and visual meanings that represent messages that are conveyed. Verbal design is not long-winded and uses easy-to-understand language. As a Clekit opinion cartoon education media, it completes the source for the community to become an educational reference, because it is not provoking.