Arini, R. 2023.
Development of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Learning Tools to Improve Students'
Critical Thinking on Narcotics, Psychotropics and Addictive Substances. Thesis.
Science Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Surabaya State University. Supervisor:
(I) Prof. Dr. Yuni Sri Rahayu, M.Si. and (II) Prof. Dr. Erman, M.Pd.
Development of Science Tools, Problem-Based
Learning , Critical Thinking, Drugs.
research aims to determine the feasibility such as validity, effectiveness, and
practicality of the learning tools developed. This research uses a 4D learning
device development model. At the define
stage, there are two stages, namely the initial stage where at this stage a
preliminary study is carried out and the final stage is carrying out curriculum
analysis, learning material analysis, learning model analysis, and teacher and
student analysis after carrying out the second This stage is then continued
with creating learning tools such as syllabi, learning implementation plans,
student worksheets, and test questions (initial design of tools). The process
of making these tools is included in the design
stage . In the development stage,
at this stage, validation is carried out on the developed device. After
validation, the device is revised according to the wishes of the three
validators, then the validation results are analyzed and the results of the
validity of the syllabus device show an overall score of mode 4 with a
reliability level of 0.746, so it is declared very valid and reliable so it can
be used. as a tool to improve students' critical thinking on drug material, the
learning implementation plan tool shows an overall score of mode 3 with a reliability
level of 0.686 so it is declared very valid and reliable so it can be used as a
tool to improve students' critical thinking on drug material, learning material
handouts shows an overall score of mode 3 with a reliability level of 0.686 so
it is declared very valid and reliable so it can be used as a tool to improve
students' critical thinking on drug material, the student worksheet shows an
overall score of mode 3 with a reliability level of 0.686 so it is declared
very valid and reliable so it can be used as a tool to improve students'
critical thinking on drug material, and the test questions show an overall
score of mode 3 with a reliability level of 0.686 so it is declared very valid
and reliable so it can be used as a tool to measure critical thinking on drug
material after that stage The device is distributed to students. This enters
the dissemination stage . At this
stage, the device is tested. The data obtained at this stage is that the
practicality is 96% and the effectiveness of the N-Gain score percent results
is 62.79% (included in the medium
category) so that it can be achieved. The conclusion is given that the device
developed can improve critical thinking and for the t-test the result is
p-value = 0.000 so that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted so it can be
concluded that the device developed was carried out when one group pretest-posttest shows that there is a significant
influence between the initial variable (not using the developed learning tools)
and the final variable (when using the developed learning tools). This can be
proven from the sig value of paired
sample correlations , which is 0.978.