Eksistensi Pecinta Serial Drama Thailand Boys Love di Kalangan Fujoshi dan Fudanshi di Gresik
The Existence of Lovers of Thai Drama Serial Boys Love among Fujoshi and Fudanshi in Gresik
Boys Love merupakan suatu genre yang diadopsi dari cerita komik/ manga Jepang yang menggambarkan bubungan antar sesama laki-laki dari yang bersifat homoromantis hingga homoerotis yang kini telah bermetamorfosa kedalam bentuk visualisasi diri kedalam film. Boys Love dipopuler oleh negara Thailand dimana negara ini mencampurkan unsur budaya dan norma yang dianut masyarakatnya sehingga menjadikan suatu produk hiburan yang banyak diminati hingga keseluruh belahan dunia Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi Martin Heidegger. Secara empiris, penelitian ini mengupas tentang bagaimana eksistensi pecinta serial Boys Love Thailand di kalangan Fujoshi dan Fudanshi di Gresik. Penelitian ini mengambil informan dari member atau anggota grup Bl.Lover Gc (Gresik Community) yang terdapat di Gresik yang beranggotakan 119 anggota. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa fujoshi dan fudanshi menunjukkan eksistensinya melalui grup chat bernama Gresik Comunity (GC). Adanya relasi dan komunikasi dapat membuat jalinan keakraban bagi grup member sebagai upaya mempertahankan eksistensinya. Eksistensialisme lebih menekankan atas pengalaman setiap individu sehingga kebenaran hanya bersifat relatif.
Keywords: Boys Love; Fujoshi, Fudanshi; Eksistensi.
Boys Love is a genre adopted from Japanese comic/manga stories that depict relationship men and men that are homoromantic to homoerotic characters which have now morphed into a form of self-visualization in film. Boys Love is popularized by the country of Thailand where this country mixes elements of culture and norms adopted by its people so as to mae an entertainment product that is in great demand throughout the world. This research is a qualitative research with Martin Heidegger's phenomenological approach. Empirically, this study explores how the existence of lovers of the series Boys Love Thailand among Fujoshi and Fudanshi in Gresik. The study took informans from members of the BL Lovers GC (Gresik Community) group in Gresik, which has 119 members. The result of the study reveal that fujoshi and fudanshi show their existence through a group chat called Gresik Community (GC) The results of the study show that fujoshi and fudanshi show their existence through a group chat called Gresik Community (GC). The existence of relations and communication can create a bond of intimacy for group members as an effort to maintain their existence. Existentialism places more emphasis on the experience of each individual so that truth is only relative.
Keywords: Boys Love; Fujoshi, Fudanshi; Existence.