Endah susilowati,
201 9 ,
the level of suitabiliy of 2013 curriculum implementation for the subject
of industrial
Dresmaking of XI grade (eleventh grade) of SMK vieved the competencies
needed by Busines/industiral word in Tulungagung. A comprehensive p aper.
Education of vocational Tecknologi. Post-graduate Program of the state
University of surabaya. Advisor: (1) prof. Dr. Hj. Luthfiyah Nurlaela, M.Pd,
(2) Prof. Dr. H. Munoto. M.Pd.
Keyword: 2013
curriculum, Industry/Business
curiculum used in the vocational school is 2013 curiculum, which should be
relevant with the needs in industry and busines because a curriculum is crucial
in the educational planning. The core of 2013 curriculum exists in the effort
of simplifying ang thematik integrative, 2013 curiculum in prepared to build a
generation who are well-prepared to student are doing in-job training. The
purpose of is study are: 1) to describe the curriculum implementation in the
expertise program of Dresmaking clas s in SMKN 2 Boyolangu; 2)to describe the demands of
industry and Busines toward the student of dres s making,
on the subject of industrial Dres s making class of
elevant grade students in SMKN Boyolangu.
study uses the mixed-method of quantitative and qualitative method, (mixed
method design). The quantitative data used the data percentage for the level of
the curriculum suitabbility according to business/industry needs, the business
demand to word
the students. The data gathering is through documentation, observation sheet,
questionare and guided interviews. To analyze the quantitative data, is uses
the mean formula, and the validate the quantitative data. It uses the mean
formula, and the qualitativ data in this study, its uses the mean formula., and
the validate the qualitative data in this study, its uses the trianggulasi data
to find the results, we conducted a study, the gathering, interview and
observavation. The result of this
reserch show that (1) curriculum conformity level according to the need of
DU/DI in hair aspect at produktif