Empowerment is process to powerless,
which change someone’s ability aim to be better by digging and then developing,
so that empowerment is an effort to give
power by support, motivating and raising awareness of potential that is owned
and to strive develop it. Empowerment can be carried out anywhere include in
Jogosatru village held empower women through empowerment and family welfare
program (PKK), specifically in education and skill), the purpose of this
research is to describe how empowering women through empowerment and family
welafre programe (PKK) in jogosatru village sukodono sub district sidoarjo
district (study in education and skill).
This type of
research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Subjects of this
study consisted of the head village, leader of PKK, and member of PKK.
Technique collecting data used were interviews, observation and documentation.
Data analysis technique used is data collection, data reduction, data
presentation, and drawing conclusions.
The results of this research showed
that preparation step with ask invite
speaker to give presentation and sozialitation about the important of
empowerment for getting same perseption about it. Assesment step with know about complaint of women at there, read
the file information about jogosatru’s village then know the level of education
at there. Preparation alternative step with option training demonstration of
cooking peanut egg, training demonstration of make up, training of delivery
creation and training of sew. Preparation formulation step with deliberation to
get best decision, implementation step with training delivery creation 12
times, and training peanut egg 3 times, evaluation step with do regular
evaluation and big evaluation in end year. Termination step with keep do this
The suggestions made by researchers are
the products from empowerment can to promote with use modern technology such as
use account of social media, the design of packaging peanut egg size in
kilograms can be pack into bottle or box, and in termination step to support
can be more real not only by give word motivation but can give motivation with paid promoteand then go to comparative study
and add literature about training of delivery creation and peanut egg so that
jogosatru’s village will more famous with this product.
Kata Kunci: empower, women, education, skill