Creative thinking is considered as one of the higher order thinking level that every
students should have. One way in developing students’ creative thunking is by
providing a mathematical problem solving. Creative thinking in problem solving
is influenced by several factors; one of which is called as cognitive style.
Each individual has different cognitive style and one of the style is field
independent cognitive style. Beside cog style factor, gender also become one of
important factor.
research is a descriptive qualitative study which aims to describe students’
crestive thinking in solving mathematical problems in term of independent
cognitive style and gender. This research research was conducted in class
VIII-I SMPN 1 sampanv. The subject of this research were consisted of two
students (female and male students who had field independent cog style). Both
subjects had good communication skill based on the teacher’s suggestion. The
data analysis was based on the creative thinking criteria, they are; fluency,
flexibility, and novelty.
result of this research shows that female student who had field independent cog
style in solving mathemaical problem is able to fulfill the fluency and novelty
of the creative thinking component, while for male student who had field
independent cog style in solving mathematical problem had fulfilled all components
of creative thinking, they are; fluency, flexibility, and novelty.
Keywords: creative
thinking, problem solving, cognitive style, gender.