Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan kelayakan dan profil konsepsi siswa kelas XI MIPA pada materi Teori Kinetik Gas melalui four-tier diagnostic test. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE yakni tahap analysis (analisis), design (perencanaan), development (pengembangan), implementation (penerapan), dan evaluation (evaluasi). Penelitian ini melalui dua tahap uji coba yakni Uji Coba 1 untuk menentukan kelayakan instrumen four-tier diagnostic test kepada 34 siswa kelas XI MIPA 5 dengan diperoleh persentase false positives (FP) 4,9% dan false negatives (FN) 6,8%.Validitas empiris konstruk keseluruhan butir soal diperoleh nilai (rxy) sebesar 0,362. Nilai indeks reliabilitas instrumen yang diperoleh menggunakan perhitungan Cronbach Alpha sebesar 0,562, kepraktisan instrumen terlihat pada terdistribusi merata terhadap kombinasi jawaban konsepsi, dan instrumen dikatakan efektif berdasarkan hasil respon siswa dengan kategori baik. Konsepsi dalam penelitian ini meliputi Paham Konsep (PK), Paham Sebagian (PS), Miskonsepsi (M), Tidak Paham Konsep (TPK), Tidak Dapat Dikodekan (TDD). Pada tahap Uji Coba 2 diperoleh persentase profil konsepsi terhadap 34 siswa kelas XI MIPA 4 secara keseluruhan yakni untuk kategori Paham Konsep (PK) 22%, Paham Sebagian (PS) 29%, Miskonsepsi (M) 31%, Paham Konsep (TPK) 18% dan Tidak Dapat Dikodekan (TDD) 0%.
Kata Kunci : Kelayakan Instrumen, Profil Konsepsi, Teori Kinetik Gas, Four Tier Diagnostic Test
This study aims to determine the feasibility and the conception profile of class XI MIPA students on the kinetic theory of gas material through the four-tier diagnostic test. This type of research uses the ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) model. This study consists of two stages of testing, namely First Trial to determine the feasibility of a four-tier diagnostic test instrument to 34 students of class XI MIPA 5 with the percentage of false positives (FP) 4.9% and false negatives (FN) 6.8%. Empirical validity of the overall construct of the item obtained value (rxy) of 0.362. The instrument reliability index value obtained using Cronbach Alpha calculation is 0.562, the practicality of the instrument is seen to be distributed evenly to the combination of answers to conception, and the instrument is said to be effective based on the results of student responses in good categories. The conception in this study included Understanding Concepts, Partial Understanding, Misconceptions, Not Understanding Concepts, Unable to Be Coded. The Second Trial percentage of conception profiles obtained for 34 students of class XI MIPA 4 as a whole, namely for the Concept Understanding category 22%, Partial Understanding 29%, Misconceptions 31%, Understanding Concepts 18% and Cannot Be Coded 0%.
Keywords: Instrument Feasibility, Profile Conception, Kinetic Gas Theory, Four Tier Diagnostic Test