Cangkruk bareng is one of the means
by which humans socialize with other humans. In Javanese society, especially in
East Java, the word cangkruk is usually used to refer to someone who sits and
has a conversation in a certain place. Between humans and language has a very
close relationship. Likewise, in cangkruk bareng, language is also needed to
carry out conversations between humans and one another. The language used in
cangkruk bareng varies greatly, depending on the topic being discussed in the
conversation. From the cangkruk bareng conversation, there are different
variations of language from one speaker to another. Based on this statement,
this study discusses the variation of the Cangkruk Bareng conversation language
in Warkop Wande Kopi Serut (WKS) Serut Village, Boyolangu District, Tulungagung
Regency. The theory used in this research is sociolinguistic theory. This
research is a qualitative descriptive study with data in the form of
transcripts from audio recordings of Cangkruk Bareng conversations at Warkop
Wande Kopi Serut (WKS). The results found in this study are nine language
variations, namely Javanese-Indonesian, Indonesian-Javanese, English-Javanese,
Javanese-English, Javanese-Arabic, Javanese-Arabic, Ngapak-Javanese,
Javanese-Balinese, and Javanese-Chinese, internal and external code switching,
mixed code, and Tulungagungan dialect.
language variation, cangkruk bareng, code switching, code mixing, dialect.