This study aims to describe and analyze
strategies, guidance, constraints on coaching and efforts to overcome obstacles
in supporting the implementation of student competency development activities
in preparation for Student Competence Competition (LKS) in the Mechanical
Engineering Department of SMKN 5 Surabaya.
This study uses a qualitative approach
with a case study method. The subjects of this study were the Principal,
Student Waka, Chair of the Mechanical Engineering Department, LKS Supervisor,
and Students. The technique of collecting data uses interviews, observation and
documentation. Analysis of the data used is the analysis of qualitative data
from the Miles and Huberman models including condensation of data, presentation
of data and conclusion drawing. Checking the validity of the data includes
credibility test with source and technique triangulation, member check,
transferability test to provide descriptive data, test dependability by
conducting audits throughout the research process with thesis supervisors, and
confirmability tests to test the results of the research conducted.
The results of this study indicate: 1)
The strategy of student competency development in the Mechanical Engineering
Department of SMKN 5 Surabaya is done through screening students starting
from the first grade. First class, students monitored their interests and
talents and abilities, and were selected for selection between students and
even between classes. After there are students who are considered to have the
ability of students to be chosen approximately 5-6 children to be fostered more
towards the Student Competency Competition (LKS). 2) The first obstacle faced
in developing student competencies is the lack of practical support tools in
the workshop. The second obstacle, namely the lack of budget in meeting the
needs of tools for coaching and preparation for competitions. The third
obstacle is the inefficient coaching schedule because it collides with other
learning besides coaching. 3) Efforts made by the school and departments in
overcoming the obstacles to fostering student competence are minimizing the
state of the tool and trying to meet the tools needed little by little. In
addition students can be traded by departments to industries and other schools
to learn better tools. Furthermore, for less budget efforts, schools and
departments will manage finances well in order to be able to meet all the
equipment needs that will be needed. The third effort in terms of scheduling
coaching is to organize students in conducting coaching when after school until
late afternoon to evening.
Keyword: Student Competence, Student Competence
Development, Student Competency Competition (LKS), Computer Numerical Control