Penelitian subtitusi tepung gatot instan dan penambahan bubuk daun kelor mempunyai maksud guna mengetahui adanya: 1) pengaruh subtitusi tepung gatot instan terhadap sifat organoleptik nastar, 2) pengaruh penambahan bubuk daun kelor terhadap sifat organoleptik nastar, 3) interaksi pengaruh subtitusi tepung gatot instan dan penambahan bubuk daun kelor terhadap sifat organoleptik nastar; 4) kandungan gizi pada produk terbaik dari uji organoleptik meliputi karbohidrat, protein, lemak, serat, kalium, kalsium, sulfur, kadar air dan kadar abu. Riset ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan desain faktorial ganda (3x3). Penghimpunan data riset melalui observasi pada sifat organoleptik nastar tepung gatot instan kepada 10(sepuluh) panelis terlatih dan 30(tiga puluh) panelis semi terlatih. Penelitian ini memakai metode analisis anova ganda dan uji lanjut Duncan. Output riset menguraikan bahwasanya: 1) terdapat pengaruh subtitusi tepung gatot instan terhadap bentuk dan warna nastar, 2) penambahan bubuk ‘daun kelor tidak berpengaruh terhadap sifat organoleptik yang diujikan, 3) interaksi antara subtitusi tepung gatot instan dan penambahan bubuk daun kelor berpengaruh terhadap rasa nastar, 4) kandungan gizi dari produk terbaik dari perlakuan subtitusi tepung gatot instan 70% dan penambahan bubuk daun kelor 0,5 adalah karbohidrat 65,9 %, protein 8,11%, lemak 3,81%, serat 4,01%, kalium 38,5%, kalsium 65,4%, sulfur 3,65%, kadar air 15,8% dan kadar abu 1,9%.
Research on substitution of instant gatot flour and the addition of Moringa leaf powder has the purpose of knowing the existence of: 1) the effect of substitution of instant gatot flour on the organoleptic properties of nastar, 2) the effect of adding Moringa leaf powder on the organoleptic properties of nastar, 3) the interaction effect of substitution of instant gatot flour and addition of Moringa leaf powder on the organoleptic properties of nastar; 4) the nutritional content of the best products from organoleptic tests includes carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, potassium, calcium, sulfur, water content and ash content. This research is an experimental study with a multiple factorial design (3x3). Collecting research data through observations on the organoleptic properties of instant gatot flour nastar to 10 (ten) trained panelists and 30 (thirty) semi-trained panelists. This research uses multiple anova analysis method and Duncan's further test. The research output describes that: 1) there is an effect of substitution of instant gatot flour on the shape and color of nastar, 2) the addition of Moringa leaf powder has no effect on the organoleptic properties tested, 3) the interaction between substitution of instant gatot flour and the addition of Moringa leaf powder affects the taste. Nastar, 4) the nutritional content of the best product from the substitution treatment of 70% instant gatot flour and the addition of 0.5 Moringa leaf powder is 65.9% carbohydrate, 8.11% protein, 3.81% fat, 4.01% fiber, potassium 38.5%, calcium 65.4%, sulfur 3.65%, water content 15.8% and ash content 1.9%.