(Study of Application of E-surat at the Secretariat of Subdivision
General and Staffing)
Name : Oryza Febryanti
NIM : 16040263062
Study program : DIII State Administration 2016
Faculty : Faculty Social Sciences and Law
Name of Institution : Surabaya State University
Supervisor : Yuni Lestari. S.AP., M.AP
Management of electronic mail-entry archives in the
Surabaya City Education Office beforehand manually but with
the development of technology emerged the e-surat application
that has been implemented by the Surabaya City Education Office
since 2016 to facilitate employees in finding letters back whenever
needed quickly, precisely and accurately. The purpose of this
study is to describe the Management of Electronic Based Entry
Archives in the Surabaya City Education Office (study of the
application of e-surat at the general and staffing sub-division
secretariat) and describe the obstacles encountered in its
application in the Surabaya City Education Office.
The research method uses descriptive research with
qualitative methods. The focus of research is the management of
electronic mail-based archives through e-surat applications based
on Priansa and Damayanti theory (2015: 47) and the constraints
on managing electronic-based mail archives through e-surat
applications based on Siatiras theory (in Sugiarto and Wahyono,
2014: 88). Data collection techniques carried out three stages,
namely observation, interviews, and documentation. Data
analysis techniques used in this study through four stages,
namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and
drawing conclusions / verification.
The results of this study are (1) managing incoming mail
archives through e-surat includes: moving documents by
scanning, conversion, and importing that depend on electronic
devices or media, storing documents stored into e-mail systems
that are integrated by the central server, indexing documents
based on index fields, and controlling access where each
employee is given restrictions in using e-mail applications. (2) In
managing mail archives through the application of e-surat,
constraints regarding manipulating information and limited data
on physical storage media are not an obstacle in the Surabaya
City Education Office, but the Surabaya City Education Office is
still experiencing problems in terms of the relatively high cost of
procuring equipment and systems. (genset) and dependence on
electronic media in the operation of e-surat applications.
Suggestions that can be recommended are the need for
integration of the Surabaya City Government agencies and the
commitment between the Surabaya City Government agencies
and the Surabaya City Education Office (external) to use the esurat application, the need for commitment between the
leadership and the Surabaya City Education Office staff (internal)
in using e-surat application, it is necessary to provide adequate
infrastructure such as generators in anticipation of power outages
that can hamper work, and the need for updates to hardware and
software that is outdated and malfunctioning.
Keywords: Management, Incoming Letter Archives, E-surat