Fenomena kemiskinan dapat terjadi di pedesaan dan perkotaan. Masyarakat seringkali dijadikan sebagai objek bagi para elit politik sehingga melanggengkan budaya kemiskinan di masyarakat. Ungkapan “Kaya semakin kaya, miskin semakin miskin” menjadi potret kemiskinan yang terjadi di Indonesia. Upaya pengetasan kemiskinan di Kabupaten Trenggalek mempunyai inovasi melalui program gerakan tengok bawah masalah kemiskinan (GERTAK). Program gertak merupakan program pelayanan dan pengaduan disediakan oleh pemerintah daerah untuk masyarakat miskin yang belum terdata. Hegemoni pemerintah daerah untuk menanggulangi kemiskinan melalui program gertak ini berjalan dengan baik dengan bantuan relawan dan masyarakat secara sadar melapor. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan pola hegemoni dan dampak yang ditimbulkan adanya program gertak untuk masyarakat di Kabupaten Trenggalek. Metode yang digunakan kualitatif melalui pendekatan deskriptif dengan perspektif teori hegemoni Antonio Gramsci. Berdasarkan data praktek hegemoni melalui informal dan formal. Hegemoni formal meliputi posko gertak, branding jaminan kesehatan, musyawarah desa. Hegemoni informal melalui acara pengajian, klinik sosial tingkat kecamatan, pendekatan impersonal. Intelektual organik diperankan masyarakat menjadi relawan. Intelektual tradisional yakni perangkat desa. Proses hegemonisasi dilakukan oleh para intelektual melalui konsensus tentunya memberikan dampak tersendiri bagi masyarakat sebagai penerima bantuan dan relawan maupun perangkat desa. Dampak dari adanya program gertak adalah timbulnya kepercayaan masyarakat di Desa Ngadisuko terhadap posko gertak sebagai pusat bantuan dari pemerintah daerah dan penurunan angka kemiskinan di Kabupaten Trenggalek.
Kata kunci : Hegemoni, Program Kemiskinan, Posko gertak
The phenomenon of poverty can occur in rural and urban areas. Communities are often used as objects for political elites, thus perpetuating the culture of poverty in society. The phrase "Rich in getting richer, poorer and poorer" becomes a portrait of poverty in Indonesia. Efforts to alleviate poverty in Trenggalek Regency have been innovated through the program of looking at the bottom of the problem of poverty (GERTAK). The gertak program is a service and complaints program provided by local governments for the poor who have not yet been recorded. The hegemony of local governments to tackle poverty through the gertak program went well with the help of volunteers and the community consciously reported. The purpose of this study is to describe the pattern of hegemony and the impact of the gertak program for people in Trenggalek Regency. The method used is qualitative through a descriptive approach with the perspective of Antonio Gramsci's hegemony theory. Based on data on hegemony through informal and formal practices. Formal hegemony includes gertak posts, health insurance branding, village meetings. Informal hegemony through recitation, sub-district level social clinics, impersonal approach. Organic intellectuals are played by the community to become volunteers. Traditional intellectuals are village officials. The process of hegemonization carried out by intellectuals through consensus certainly has its own impact on the community as recipients of aid and volunteers and village officials. The impact of the gertak program is the emergence of public trust in Ngadisuko Village on the gertak post as a center of assistance from the local government and a reduction in the poverty rate in Trenggalek Regency.
Keywords: Hegemony, Poverty Program, GERTAK Command Post