Meta-Analysis of The Implementation of Blended Learning and Selecting Online Media Used to Learning Outcomes
Perkembangan teknologi memberikan banyak manfaat dalam dunia pendidikan, salah satunya yaitu pendidikan yang dapat dilaksanakan secara online. Pembelajaran online yang dimaksud adalah Blended Learning, dengan diadakannya model blended learning diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi atas permasalahan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran terutama pada hasil belajar siswa. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan meta-analisis terhadap 15 artikel dari jurnal nasional mengenai penerapan model pembelajaran Blended Learning terhadap hasil belajar, metode meta-analisis digunakan untuk mencari nilai Effect Size yang dapat mengkategorikan keberhasilan Blended Learning. Proses pembelajarannya didukung dengan penggunaan media atau platform yang menjadi fasilitas perantara antara guru dengan siswa, jenis platform yang digunakan dalam 15 artikel tersebut adalah Google Classroom dengan nilai = 0,94, Edmodo dengan dengan nilai ES = 0,81, Whatsapp dengan nilai ES = 2,41, Web Enhanced Course dengan nilai ES= 1,34, Quipper School dengan nilai ES = 0,76 ,dan LMS dengan nilai ES= 2,30. Hasil kategori Effect Size tersebut masuk kedalam efek sedang hingga tinggi, yang artinya dari meta-analisis terhadap 15 artikel dari jurnal ilmiah menunjukkan bahwa penerapan blended learning terbukti mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar pada siswa.
Kata Kunci: Blended Learning, Hasil Belajar, Meta-analisis.
Technological developments provide many benefits in the world of education, one of them is educational process can be carried out online. Online learning in question is the Blended Learning, with the implementation of the blended learning, it is hoped that it can provide solutions to problem in learning activities especially on learning outcomes. In this study, a meta-analysis of 15 articles from national journals was carried out regarding the application of the Blended Learning model to learning outcomes, the meta-analysis method was used to find the Effect Size value which categorized the success of the Blended Learning. The Blended Learning process is supported by the use of media or platforms that serve as intermediary facilities between teachers and students, the type of platform used in the 15 articles is Google Classroom with an ES value = 0.94, Edmodo with an ES value = 0.81, Whatsapp with a ES value = 2.41, Web-Enhanced Course with ES value = 1.34, Quipper School with ES value = 0.76, and LMS with ES value = 2.30. The results of the effect size category fall into moderate to high effects, which means that the meta-analysis of 15 articles from scientific journals shows that the applications of blended learning is proven to be able to improve learning outcomes in students.
Keywords: Blended Learning, Learning Outcomes, Meta analysis