P olicy implementation, effective school, pesantren
The importance of
efforts to improve the quality of education in this case the school as a
vehicle in building and forging the quality of human resources. In the realm of
education in Indonesia, there are efforts from practitioners of primary and
secondary education to improve the quality of schools in order to produce
superior outputs. One of the ways is through the development of superior
schools based on pesantren.
The purpose of this
study is to analyze the policies and efforts made by Islamic boarding schools
in implementing superior schools carried out by SMA Darul Ulum 2 Unggulan BPPT
Jombang and MA Unggulan Darul Ulum Jombang. as well as how policy
implementation is viewed in terms of resources, social, political, economic
conditions, and inhibiting and supporting factors. The result of this research
is that it is found an effective model for implementing an education quality
assurance policy at the high school level.
The approach used
in this research is qualitative with a multi case study design. The
research sites are the SMA Darul Ulum 2 Unggulan BPPT Jombang and MA Unggulan
Darul Ulum Jombang. Data collection was obtained through interviews, field
notes, official and personal documents and others. This paradigm uses evidence
based on precise and repeatable observations, internal and external validity,
reliability and objectivity. After collecting research data, it is continued by
conducting in-depth analysis with single case data analysis, namely through
condensation, data display and drawing conclusions in each case. Next,
cross-case analysis is carried out to develop concepts and common ground
between existing cases. Meanwhile, to ensure the validity of the data using
credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability.
The findings of
this study indicate that, First, the use of integrated standards between
national standards and Islamic boarding schools is strengthened by other
supporting standards such as the Cambridge curriculum and the ISO 9001 2015 QMS or Quality
Management Standard. The implementation of Islamic boarding school-based
superior school policies has been stated in the vision, mission, goals and
tagline of the school that has been integrated into the program. The two
resources used are running effectively, namely by paying attention to the
management of the school management must be based on the policy of the Board of
Directors of the Boarding School. Third, Information Systems that support human
resources, financial resources/budget support, available facility resources,
complete information resources. Fourth, the disposition or attitude of policy
actors. policy implementers are very dominant in overseeing the implementation
of Islamic boarding school-based superior school policies. The five political
elites took part in providing support for the implementation of superior
schools based on pesantren. Political elites, in this case the government,
provide support, including through scholarship activities. Sixth, the standard
operating procedures for inter-organizational relations to implement the
established pesantren-based superior school policies must be based on the
policies set by the Board of Directors of Islamic Boarding Schools, which are
then revealed to be school policies. This includes the provisions and
regulations of the Ministry of Education and Culture as an umbrella for
educational institutions. The seven supporting factors that are owned are the
leadership of the management of the institution that oversees the Madrasah that
is able to mobilize and utilize every Madrasah resource effectively, where
democratic decision-making and active involvement of the school committee.