This study aims to determine the feasibility of
interactive multimedia products based on android which was developed accordance
with the learning of two-dimensional art material for class XII at Senior High
School 19 Surabaya.
The development model used is DDD-E (Decide, Design,
Develop and Evaluate), by (Ivers and Barron, 2002: 22), because this model is
devoted to developing multimedia using 4 simple stages, one of which is in the
decide stage, the process of which contains determining project goals, brainstorm
content and conduct research.
Data collections techniques in this study using
interviews and questionnaries. A closed questionnaire sheet with a checklist
model and a guttman scale, used as a measurement tool at the time of data
collection, Then the questionnaire results obtained will be analyzed using the
percentage technique. From the results of the analysis conducted, the material
expert gave 92 % of assesment and the results of interactive multimedia
analysis based on android, the media expert gave 93 % of assesment. Then the
results are adjusted to the assessment criteria, it can be stated that the
development of interactive multimedia based on android in two-dimensional art
material is suitable for use as learning media for class XII at Senior High
School 19 Surabaya. This interactive multimedia based on android has advantages
including the resulting media is an application that can be downloaded by
android smartphone users so that it can be accessed anytime and anywhere
without time limit, the material in application is not only reading teks, but
there are also pictures, videos and practice questions.
development,interactive multimedia,android,art