Nama : Gigih Arif Setiadin
NIM : 15060474155
Program Studi : S-1
Jurusan : Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga
Nama Lembaga : Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Pembimbing : Dr. Nurkholis, M.Pd.
Dayung merupakan salah satu olahraga air yang populer di Indonesia, dan olahraga ini dapat dikategorikan sebagai olahraga rekreasi maupun prestasi. Dayung juga olahraga yang sangat kompleks, selain harus memiliki fisik yang kuat, untuk mencapai prestasi maksimal maka ada faktor lain yang ikut menentukan keberhasilan atlet dalam mencapai prestasi yaitu faktor kualitas pelatih, sarana prasarana, pendanaan, dan hubungan dengan pengurus.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pembinaan prestasi ditinjau dari faktor kualitas pelatih, rekrutmen, sarana prasarana, pendanaan dan organisasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan serta bahan evaluasi bagi pembinaan Dayung Jawa Timur khususnya.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah evaluasi dengan metode CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product). Subjek penelitian meliputi pengurus, pelatih, dan atlet yang terlibat tentang masalah yang diteliti.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pembinaan dayung di Jawa Timur Pengcab dan club yang aktif yaitu Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Pasuruan dan Banyuwangi, serta ada kemajuan dalam proses rekrutmen atlet yang sudah melalui tahapan seleksi. Meskipun dalam pelaksanaannya masih banyak kendala seperti kinerja organisasi yang belum maksimal, terbatasnya prasarana dan biaya serta kurangnya kaderisasi. Jika dilihat dari kualitas pelatih hampir seluruh pelatih yang menangani Puslatda memiliki sertifikat pelatih dan untuk Pengcab juga di isi oleh para mantan atlet yang sudah memiliki pengalaman sebelumnya. Dari hasil prestasi Puslatda Jatim pada PRAPON 2019 memperoleh 3 perak dan 6 perunggu. Untuk prestasi pada Pengcab sudah banyak menorehkan prestasi dari berbagai lomba yang di ikuti baik tingkat Regional maupun Nasional.
Kata kunci : Evaluasi pembinaan, PODSI Jatim, Metode CIPP
Name : Gigih Arif Setiadin
Study program : S-1
Department : Sports Coaching Education
Name of Institution : Surabaya State University
Supervisor : Dr. Nurkholis, M.Pd.
Rowing and Canoeing is one of the most popular water sports in Indonesia, and this sport can be categorized as both recreational and achievement sports. Rowing and Canoeing is also a very complex sport because besides having to have a strong physique, to accomplish maximum achievement, there are other factors that determine the athlete's success in attaining achievement, namely the quality of the trainer, the infrastructure, the funding, and the relationships with the manager.
The purpose of this study is to determine the achievement of development in terms of the quality factors of trainers, the recruitment, the infrastructure, the funding, and the organization. The results of this study are expected to be a reference and evaluation material for the formation of East Java Rowing in particular.
The research method used in this study was the evaluation by the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) method. The subjects of this study included the administrators, coaches, and athletes involved related to the problem under the study.
The results of this study indicate that the development of rowing in the East Java branch management and the active clubs are those in Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Pasuruan and Banyuwangi, and there was progress in the process of recruiting athletes who had passed the selection stage, although in its implementation there were still many obstacles such as organizational performance that had not been maximized, limited infrastructure and costs, and lack of regeneration. If it is seen from the quality of the trainers, almost all trainers who handled Puslatda had a trainer certificate, as well as the branch administrators who were filled by former athletes who had previous experience. From the results of the East Java Puslatda achievements at PRAPON 2019, 3 silver and 6 bronze were obtained. As for the achievements in the branch management, there have been many achievements from various competitions which were participated in both Regional and National level.
Keywords: Coaching evaluation, East Java PODSI, CIPP Method