Title : The Managerial Implementation of Competency Based of Human
Resource for the Competency Development of Teacher and Educational Staff of SD
Santo Yosef Surabaya
Advisor I :
Dr. Amrozi Khamidi, M.Pd.
Advisor II :
Dr. Nunuk Hariyati, M.Pd.
Resources (HR) is the main and main contributor to an educational institution,
especially at SD Santo Yosef Surabaya to achieve institutional performance.
Therefore, human resource management must be integrated with the Foundation's
strategic plan. Competency-based HR Management Systems strongly support this
integration. Competency Model Development as a standard of knowledge, skills
and behavior, in order to produce superior performance, containing competencies
that are determined by taking into account the Vision, Mission and Values of
the Foundation.
the research objective is to understand the Competency-Based Human Resource
Management system in educational institutions and can be applied in work units
for improving HR performance and achieving organizational targets. HR
competencies are expected to include three (3) competencies, namely core
competencies, management competencies, functional competencies.
results of this study indicate that integrity competency is one of the core
competencies of Competency-Based Human Resource Management that underlies all
other competencies. With this integrity competency, all educators and education
staff have a good foundation in each carrying out their duties and jobs. The
application of competency-based Human Resource Management can improve the
performance of SD Santo Yosef employees and improve service to our customers.
This research was conducted at SD Santo Yosef because it still needs further
research in other places in order to obtain more valid and useful conclusions
for all parties.
Keywords: Competence, Human Resources, Integrity