research was conducted based on the results of observations and interviews in
class II SDN 2 Bodag. The process of learning and playing are two different
things but can be integrated into an activity, namely learning while playing.
The learning activities carried out at the school are taught by teachers based
on books and the media used is a blackboard. This led researchers to develop
learning media based on the Duck Shot educational game for addition and
subtraction in grade II elementary schools.
feasibility of learning media for the Duck Shot educational game can be known
through product validation and trials, effectiveness can be seen from the
results of learning completeness through student tests while the practicality
of the media can be seen using student and teacher response questionnaires. The
development of educational game learning media Duck Shot uses the Borg and Gall
development model, with 10 stages which are summarized into 7 stages namely
potential problems, data collection, product design, product trials, design
revisions, design validations, and product revisions.
The research results can be described as follows; The level
of validity of the learning media for the Duck Shot educational game can be
seen from the results of the validation carried out on expert lecturers. The
validity of media experts gets a percentage of 83.3% while material experts get
a percentage of 86.1%. Effectiveness seen in learning completeness to get a
percentage of 100% with an N-Gain calculation of 0.73 is included in the high
category, namely 0.70 <g <1.00. The practicality of the media can be seen
using the results of the teacher and student questionnaire responses with an
acquisition of 100% for the teacher response questionnaire and 98.1% for the
student response questionnaire. From these results, it can be concluded that
the educational game media Duck Shot is stated to be valid, practical, and
effective as an alternative learning media for addition and subtraction in
grade II elementary schools.
Key word: Development, Learning Media, Duck Shot