Development of Social Studies Module Learning Materials Based on Local Wisdom of Sedekah Bumi Tradition in Laban Village as a Source of Character Education
Melisa 2019. Development of Social Studies Module Learning Materials Based on Local Wisdom of Sedekah Bumi Tradition in Laban Village as a Source of Character Education. Thesis. Social Studies Education Study Program. Postgraduate of Surabaya State University. Supervisor: (1) Dr. Agus Suprijono, M.Si . and Prof. Dr. (2 ) H. Aminuddin Kasdi, M. S.
Key Words: local wisdom, modules, earth alms tradition, character education
This study aims to produce a product in the form of a module based on local wisdom that is appropriate and effective tradition of earth alms used as a source of character education for seventh grade students of SMP. This research is a research and development based on the R&D development model of Borg and Gall through 10 general steps. However, the design of this module development only reached the ninth stage which consisted of : Research and information collecting, Planning, Developing preliminary form of product, Preliminary field testing, Main product revision, Main field testing, Operational product revision, Operational field testing, and Final product revision.
The results of expert research that the module has been worth tested with proven from the results of the validation of material experts and media experts. The results of the validation of media experts got a score of 3.7 with a very good category. The results of the validation of media experts got a score of 3.7 with a very good category. The results of the questionnaire responses of students got a score of 3.8 with a very good category. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that teaching materials in the form of modules based on local wisdom of the earth alms tradition are effective as a source of learning.