Ma’arif Ilmul, 2023. Development of
Physical Activity Patterns to Improve Physical Fitness and Critical Thinking
Ability. Dissertation. Doctoral Program of Sports Science. Postgraduate
Program, State University of Surabaya. Promotor: Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M. Kes.,
and Co-Promotor: Drs. Suroto, M.A., Ph.D.
Keywords: Physical Activity, Physical Fitness, and Critical Thinking.
The existence of problems with
the fitness condition of students indicates the need for physical activity
patterned to support students’ fitness condition and critical thinking ability.
Thus, this research focused on a
pattern of physical activity carried out by fourth-grade elementary school
students to improve their physical fitness and critical thinking skills. This
study aimed to develop students’ physical activity patterns to improve physical
fitness and critical thinking skills in elementary school students. This
research was included in developmental research that was followed up with
trials using an experimental design (pretest and posttest design). The research
subjects were fourth-grade elementary school students. Overall, the research
involved three public elementary schools for the small-group test and five for
the large-group test. The sampling technique used was the purposive sampling
The research results related to physical activity
patterns to improve students’ physical fitness and critical thinking skills
were seen from the validity and effectiveness of physical activity patterns. In
terms of the physical activity pattern’s validity, including the product’s
design, the pattern obtained an average value of 88,47%, indicating that it was
valid. The effectiveness of the physical activity pattern was seen from the PAF
results from small and large groups’ group trials. The results were included in
the good category. It can be seen from the percentage values obtained from
the group in which the three schools of the small group got 37.03% (SDN Kabuh
I), 42.85% (SDN Karangpakis II), and 47.06% (SDN Sukodadi II). At the same
time, five schools from the large group got 56.25% (SDN Jatibanjar I), 59.10%
(SDN Jatibanjar II), 57.14% (SDN Jatigedong I), 46.67% (SDN Kedungdowo), and
45, 94 % (SDN Padangblole). In this way, the effectiveness test shows
significant results.
The conclusion in this research is that the results of
the development are in the form of physical activity patterns of the PAF KJ_BK
model that can improve physical fitness and critical thinking skills, and the
physical activity patterns of the PAF KJ_BK model that are developed
effectively improve physical fitness and critical thinking skills.