Sosiolek dalam Komunikasi Pedagang Kaki Lima di Kota Baru Driyorejo: Kajian Sosiolinguistik
Sociology in Food Traders Communications in Kota Baru Driyorejo: Sociolinguistic Study
Kata Kunci: ragam sosiolek, faktor-faktor, pedagang kaki lima, sosiolinguistik.
This study shows differences in sociolect speech forms and language functions according to the diversity of languages in society. The sociolect emphasizes the communication patterns spoken by traders and buyers in the Kota Baru Driyorejo area according to the identity and characteristics of each language. The diversity of languages used by traders can affect the social culture in society so that it aims to determine the form of sociolect variety and social factors according to individual characteristics and situations in society. In this case, using descriptive and quantitative research methods with observation and documentation techniques for data collection. Then use the listening technique and note-taking technique to determine the data and perform data analysis so that the results of the study are in the form of sociolect variety based on morphological processes, namely affixation, reduplication, acronyms, and phoneme substitution as well as social factors that influence the existence of sociolect forms, namely gender. , age, sociocultural, and occupation. These findings can be used as reference material for further research related to sociolect variety.
Keywords: sociolect variety, factors, street vendor, sociolinguistic.