Desigen Of Split-type air Conditioning Trainer for Learnig Media
Nama : Achmad Ardiansyah
NIM : 16050423040
Program Studi : D3 Teknik Mesin
Konsentrasi : Otomotif
Jurusan : Teknik Mesin
Nama Lembaga : Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Pembimbing : Indra Herlamba Siregar, S.T., M.T.
Salah satu faktor pendukung kenyamanan dalam beraktivitas di dalam ruangan yakni dengan dipasangnya AC sebagai penyejuk udara. Air Conditioing (AC) merupakan suatu peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengkondisikan udara sehingga dapat mencapai temperatur dan kelembaban yang sesuai dengan kondisi udara nyaman. Sehingga memberikan kenyamanan kerja bagi orang yang melakukan suatu kegiatan tertentu didalam ruangan
Prinsip pendinginan udara pada AC melibatkan siklus refrigerasi, yakni udara didinginkan oleh refrigerant/pendingin (freon), lalu freon ditekan menggunakan kompresor sampai tekanan tertentu dan suhunya naik, kemudian didinginkan oleh udara lingkungan sehingga mencair. Proses tersebut diatas berjalan berulang-ulang sehingga menjadi suatu siklus yang disebut siklus pendinginan pada udara yang berfungsi mengambil kalor dari udara dan membebaskan kalor ini ke luar ruangan.
Hasil yang di harapkan perancangan perancangan trainer air conditioner dapat memenuhi aspek-aspek evektivitas yang ingin dicapai yaitu aspek peraturan/ketentuan, aspek fungsi/tugas, aspek rencana/program, aspek tujuan/kondisi ideal.
Berdasarkan tabel Baja konstruksi umum menurut DIN 17100 (Sept. 1966) ditinjau dari tegangan tarik bahan rangka (fmax) St 37 – 2 = 37,18 Kg/mm2 atau 364,36 N/mm2 , dengan Faktor keamanan (Sf) = 2, dan Tegangan tarik ijin (fci) = fmax : Sf = 182.18 N/mm2, Karena tegangan lentur sebesar 14.08 N/mm2, hasil perhitungan tersebut lebih kecil dari tegangan tarik ijin material yaitu 182.18 N/mm2 maka kekuatan rangka yang digunakan AMAN.
Kata Kunci: Trainer AC, Prinsip kerja AC, Kekuatan rangka
Name : Achmad Ardiansyah
ID Number : 16050423040
Study Program : D-3 Mechanical Engineering
Concentration : Automotive
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Faculty : Faculty of Engineering
Name of Institution : State University of Surabaya
Advisor : Indra Herlamba Siregar, S.T., M.T.
One of the supporting factors for comfort in activities in the room is the installation of air conditioning as air conditioning. Air Conditioning (AC) is an equipment used to condition the air so that it can reach the appropriate temperature and humidity according to comfortable air conditions. So as to provide work comfort for people who carry out certain activities in the room
The principle of air cooling in air conditioning involves the refrigeration cycle, which is the air is cooled by the refrigerant (freon), then the freon is pressed using a compressor until a certain pressure and the temperature rises, then it is cooled by environmental air so that it melts. The process mentioned above runs repeatedly so that it becomes a cycle called the cooling cycle in the air which functions to take heat from the air and release this heat outside the room.
The expected results of the design of the trainer air conditioner design can meet the aspects of effectiveness to be achieved, namely aspects of regulations / provisions, aspects of functions / tasks, aspects of plans / programs, aspects of goals / ideal conditions.
Based on the table of general construction steel according to DIN 17100 (Sept. 1966) in terms of the tensile stress of the frame material (fmax) St 37 - 2 = 37.18 Kg / mm2 or 364.36 N / mm2, with the safety factor (Sf) = 2, and the allowable tensile stress (fci) = fmax: Sf = 182.18 N / mm2, because the bending stress is 14.08 N / mm2, the calculation result is smaller than the allowable tensile stress of the material which is 182.18 N / mm2, the strength of the frame used is SAFE.
Keywords: AC Trainer, AC working principle, Frame strength