Critical thinking is one type of skills listed in the curiculum 2013 that should be mastered by students. One of the learning models that can develop the students’ skill is Inquiry Learning Model. The purpose of this study was applying student worksheets based on guided inquiry to improve the students’ critical thinking skills. The material used was the Human Sensory System. The research used one group pretest-posttets design. It was held in class XI MIPA 3 of SMAN Jogoroto Jombang. The research showed 71% increase of mastery of students’ learning outcomes based on post-test score with an average n-gain score of 0,6 that included in a moderate category increase. In addition, learning indicator mastery on knowledge and critical thinking increased as well with 74,9% of post-test score that included in a moderate category increase with an average n-gain score of 0,7.
Keywords: inquiry , Student worksheet, critical thinking skills, Human Sensory System