Penelitian ini berupa pengungkapan adanya gangguan psikologis terhadap teori kebutuhan bertingkat Abraham Maslow terhadap tokoh Queen, Tiwi, dan Ebi dalam novel Bulan di Langit Athena Karya Zhaenal Fanani. Mulai dari Fisiologis kebutuhan dasar manusia sampai dengan kebutuhan aktualisasi diri yakni kepuasan akan dirinya sendiri untuk mencapai puncak potensinya. Terdapat lima pembahasan dalam penelitian ini, Yaitu kebutuhan fisiologis ke tiga tokoh dalam novel Bulan di Langit Athena karya Zhaenal Fanani, kebutuhan rasa aman ke tiga tokoh dalam novel Bulan di Langit Athena karya Zhaenal Fanani, kebutuhan rasa cinta dan dimiliki ke tiga tokoh dalam novel Bulan di Langit Athena karya Zhaenal Fanani, kebutuhan penghargaan ke tiga tokoh dalam novel Bulan di Langit Athena karya Zhaenal Fanani, kebutuhan aktualisasi diri ke tiga tokoh dalam novel Bulan di Langit Athena karya Zhaenal Fanani. Setiap pembahasan akan diuraikan sesuai dengan teori yang digunakan yaitu teori hierarki bertingkat Abraham Maslow yang telah di tetapkan.
Kata Kunci: Hierarki Bertingkat, Penyesalan, Pencapaian.
The results of this study are in the form of disclosure of a psychological disturbance on Abraham Maslows theory of multilevel needs of figures Queen, Tiwi, and Ebi in the novel Bulan di Langit Athena by Zhaenal Fanani. Starting from Physiological basic human needs up to the needs of self-actualization, namely satisfaction with his own desires to reach the peak of his potential. There are five discussions in this study, namely the physiological needs of the three characters in the Athena Moon novel by Zhaenal Fanani, the need for security for the three characters in the Athena Bulan novel Langit Zhaenal Fanani, the need for love and belonging to the three characters in the Bulan novel in Langit Athena by Zhaenal Fanani, the need for the award of three figures in the Athena Moon in Langit novels by Zhaenal Fanani, the need for self-actualization in three figures in the Athena Moon in Langit novel by Zhaenal Fanani. Each discussion will be described in accordance with the theory used, namely Abraham Maslows multilevel hierarchy theory that has been determined.
Key Words : Multilevel Hierarchy, Regret, Achievement, Novel