(Study of Form and Symbolic Meaning)
Name : Lala Frisca
Nanda Gustina
NIM : 19020134023
Study Program : S1
Drama, Dance and Music Education
Faculty : Faculty of
Languages and Arts
Name of
Institution : State University of
Supervisor : Dr. Anik Juwariyah, M.Si
Year : 2023
Loro Blonyo dance is one of the
components contained in the traditional Methik Padi ritual. The Methik Padi
traditional ritual has become a hereditary tradition of the Glinggang Village
community, Sampung Subdistrict, Ponorogo Regency. This ritual means an
expression of gratitude and prayer together for the abundant rice harvest
without pest attacks, the presentation of dance in traditional ritual
activities will not be replaced, because it is related to the symbols in the
presentation. The traditional Methik Padi ritual in Glinggang Village includes
the presentation of the Loro Blonyo dance, the Loro Blonyo Dance is a dance
based on the Loro Blonyo statue of Dewi Sri and Sadana, the people of Glinggang
Village believe Dewi Sri is the goddess of rice, the bearer of good luck in
agriculture, while Sadana is the guardian of the universe.
The objectives of this research are 1)
To describe the presentation form of the Loro Blonyo dance in the traditional
Methik Padi ritual in Glinggang Village, Sampung District, Ponorogo Regency. 2)
To describe the symbolic meaning of Loro Blonyo dance in the traditional ritual
of Methik Padi in Glinggang Village, Sampung District, Ponorogo Regency.
Related to the above background, there
are several previous studies related to the same research object with different
subjects of discussion to support the current research. Mei Rina Alfianis
(2017) This research results in the structure of the Loro Blonyo dance form in
the Solah Wetan Art Society of Wonoketro Village, Jetis District, Ponorogo
Regency. The relevance of this research is the subject matter that discusses
the form of presentation of the Loro Blonyo dance, while the difference lies in
the object of discussion. Arlina Happy Lupitasari (2019), this research
resulted in the presentation form of Gong Gumbeng as a clean ritual activity in
Wringinanom Village. The relevance of the data for this study is that both
discuss the form of presentation and symbolic meaning, while the difference
lies in the object of study. Forenita Imanuel Dika Cristy (2021) This research
produces the symbolic meaning of Tejo Sulistyo's Luyung dance which contains
presentational symbols for life balance, advice, and hopes for the Klaten
Regency government, while the meaning of discursive symbols is related to the
instruments used and the color of Luyung dance clothes. The relevance of these
two studies lies in the discussion of symbolic meaning, but the difference lies
in the object of study.
The theories used in this research are
form theory and meaning theory. The method used in this research is descriptive
qualitative, with the object of research Loro Blonyo dance in the traditional
ritual of Methik Padi in Glinggang Village, Sampung District, Ponorogo Regency.
The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, documentation,
recording with the sources of people, places, symbols. The data analysis used
is the data reduction stage, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Data
validity uses source triangulation, technique triangulation and time
The results of the research and
discussion show that Loro Blonyo dance is used as a means of the traditional
Methik Padi ritual, Loro Blonyo dance is the embodiment of Dewi Sri and Sadana,
in form and meaning there is a connection with the traditional Methik Padi
ritual as a fertility ritual.
Based on the above conclusions, several
suggestions can be conveyed to various parties, namely: For the Ponorogo
Regency government, it can provide support and motivation by including Loro
Blonyo dance in the Methik Padi traditional ritual in various Arts and Culture
activities and documentation. For the performers of the Loro Blonyo dance in
the Methik Padi traditional ritual, it is hoped that they can participate in
maintaining this culture as a valuable asset owned by the community of
Glinggang Village, Sampung District, Ponorogo Regency.
Keywords: Loro
Blonyo Dance, Traditional Ritual, Rice Methic, Form, Symbolic Meaning.