Kurnia Maharani. 2018. Pengaruh
Model Pembelajaran Inquiry Berbasis
Gaya Belajar Visual Auditori Kinestetik (VAK) Terhadap Kemampuan Mengenal Konsep Bilangan dan Perilaku “Talk Active” Anak “Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” (ADHD). Tesis,
Program Studi Pendidikan Luar Biasa, Program
Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya.Pembimbing (1) Dr. Hj. Asri Wijiastuti, M.Pd ., (2) Prof. Dr. H. Muhari
Kata Kunci : Inquiry berbasis VAK, Konsep Bilangan, Perilaku
“Talk Active” Anak (ADHD).
memiliki kelemahan pada memori kerja mereka, yang menyebabkan kesulitan pada masalah manipulasi informasi verbal dan nonverbal. Khususnya
dalam pengetahuan aritmatika, algoritma dan pemecahan masalah. selain itu Anak ADHD
di sekolah sering tidak berada di kursi mereka saat seharusnya
duduk atau jika mereka duduk di kursi, mereka tidak mampu bertahan lama. Mereka
akan berbicara terus menerus, berteriak mengganggu teman-teman lain, berlari
dan melompat tanpa tujuan yang jelas dan tidak ada satupun tugas akademis yang dapat diselesaikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
membuktikan pengaruh model pembelajaran inquiry berbasis gaya belajar VAK
terhadap kemampuan mengenal bilangan dan perilaku talk active anak ADHD.
Pendekatan Penelitian
yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif jenis
eksperimen diterapkan dalam penelitian Single
Subject Research (SSR), dengan desain Reversal
A-B-A-B. Subjek penelitian ini 2 anak ADHD, dengan karakteristik yang berbeda
dalam mengikuti pembelajaran di kelas. teknik pengumpulan data perilaku talk active melalui pengamatan pada setiap sesi-fase, dan
data kemampuan mengenal bilangan melalui
tes. Analisis data frekuensi untuk perilaku dan untuk kemampuan mengenal konsep
bilangan anak ADHD digunakan
analisis Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test menggunakan software SPSS .
Hasil pre-tes dan pos-tes diperoleh nilai Z yang didapat sebesar -1,342
dengan p value (Asymp. Sig 2 tailed )
sebesar 0,180 lebih besr dari batas kritis penelitian 0,05, serta diperoleh
data pada fase baseline 1 subjek HA memperoleh
25,2 AB 24,4
pada fase intervensi 1 subjek HA
memperoleh 20,6 dan AB memperoleh 18,2
pada fase baseline 2 subjek HA memperoleh
22,5 AB 19 dan
pada fase intervensi 2
subjek HA memperoleh 19,3 dan AB
memperoleh 17, sehingga dapat disimpulkan tidak ada pengaruh dengan taraf
signifikansi tabel 0.05 terhadap kemampuan mengenal konsep bilangan akan tetapi
cukup signifikan dalam pengurangan perilaku talk
active anak ADHD.
Kurnia Maharani.
2018. The Impact of Inquiry Learning Models Based on Learning Styles of Visuals
Auditory Kinesthetic (VAK) Against Ability to Know Number Concepts and "Talk Active" Behavior " Children
with “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" (ADHD). Thesis, Special
Education Study Program, Surabaya State University Postgraduate Program. Promotor
(1) Dr. Hj. Asri Wijiastuti, M.Pd., (2) Prof. Dr. H. Muhari
Keywords: Inquiry
based VAK, Number Concept, "Talk Active" Behavior Children with (ADHD).
Children with ADHD
have weaknesses in their working memory, which causes difficulties in the
problem of verbal and nonverbal information manipulation. Especially in
arithmetic knowledge, algorithms and problem solving. other than that ADHD
children in school often are not in their seats when they are supposed to sit
or if they sit in a chair, they cannot last long. They will talk continuously,
shouting annoying other friends, running and jumping without clear goals and
none of the academic tasks that can be completed. This study aims to prove the
effect of inquiry learning models based on VAK learning styles on the ability
to recognize the number and talk active behavior of children’s with ADHD.
The research
approach used in this study is a qualitative type of experimental research
applied in the Single Subject Research (SSR) research, with the A-B-A-B
Reversal design. The subjects of this study were 2 children with ADHD, with
different characteristics in participating in classroom learning. Data
collection techniques of active talk behavior through observation at each
phase-session, and data on the ability to recognize numbers through tests.
Analysis of frequency data for behavior and for the ability to recognize the
concept of numbers of ADHD children used Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test analysis
using SPSS software.
The results of
the pre-test and post-test obtained Z value obtained at -1.342 with p value
(Asymp. Sig 2 tailed) of 0.180 greater than the critical limit of the 0.05
study, and obtained data on the baseline phase 1 subject HA obtained 25, 2 AB
24.4 in the intervention phase 1 HA subject obtained 20.6 and AB obtained 18.2
in the baseline phase 2 HA subjects obtained 22.5 AB 19 and in the intervention
phase 2 HA subjects obtained 19.3 and AB obtained 17, so it can be concluded that
there is no effect with significance level of table 0.05 on the ability to
recognize the number concept but it is quite significant in reducing the talk
active behavior of children with ADHD.