Pengaruh Mobilitas dan Jumlah Pengguna pada Kualitas Layanan Software Defined Wireless Network(SDWN)
Dari kemajuan teknologi jaringan yang sangat pesat lahirlah Software Defined Network(SDN) pada pertengahan tahun 1990-an, untuk mengatasi kerumitan konfigurasi jaringan yang sangat kompleks. SDN menawarkan fungsionalitas jaringan yang fleksibel, dinamis, dan dapat diprogram, serta banyak keuntungan lain seperti kontrol yang terpusat, pengurangan kompleksitas konfigurasi, dan penghematan dalam instalasi jaringan. Sehingga saat ini konsep SDN digunakan termasuk pada jaringan nirkabel. Jaringan nirkabel sendiri berkembang karena kesederhanaan dan kebebasan, akan tetapi karena faktor mobilitas itu sendiri sangat berpengaruh terhadap kinerja jaringan. Mobilitas menjadi tantangan dan pertimbangan saat pengembangan jaringan nirkabel. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analisis terhadap jaringan SDN yang berbasis teknologi nirkabel atau dikenal dengan Software Defined Wireless Network(SDWN). Pada penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh model mobilitas Gauss Markov, Random Direction, Random Walk, dan Random Waypoint terhadap kinerja jaringan SDWN. Dari hasil uji coba didapatkan dari keempat model mobilitas terhadap jumlah 4 station, 10 station, 20 station. Pada hasil parameter Throughput setiap pertambahan station nilai Throughput mengalami penurunan, pada parameter packet loss dengan setiap pertambahan stations nilai packet loss semakin naik, hasil pengukuran Receive Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) dilihat secara keluruhan setiap mobilitas dengan seiringan pertambahan station nilai RSSI semakin naik, pada pengujian Tx-bytes pada model mobilitas Random Direction dan Random Waypoint memiliki nilai konstan tetapi pada model mobiliatas Gauss-Markov dan Random Walk dengan bertambahnya stations memiliki nilai Tx-bytes semakin kecil.
Kata Kunci— SDN, SDWN, Model mobilitas, Mininet-Wifi.
From the rapid advancement of network technology, Software Defined Network (SDN) was born in the mid-1990s, to overcome the complexity of network configurations. SDN offers flexible, dynamic, and programmable network functionality, as well as many other advantages such as centralized control, reduced configuration complexity, and savings in network installation. So that currently the concept of SDN is used, including in wireless networks. Wireless network itself developed because of simplicity and freedom, but because the mobility factor itself is very influential on network performance. Mobility is a challenge and consideration when developing wireless networks. This research is an analytical research on SDN network based on wireless technology or known as Software Defined Wireless Network (SDWN). This study analyzes the effect of the Gauss Markov, Random Direction, Random Walk, and Random Waypoint mobility models on the performance of the SDWN network. From the test results obtained from the four mobility models to the number of 4 stations, 10 stations, 20 stations. In the results of the Throughput parameter for each station increase, the Throughput value decreases, in the packet loss parameter with each additional station the packet loss value increases, the results of the Receive Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) measurement are seen as a whole for each mobility with the increase in stations the RSSI value increases. The Tx-bytes test on the Random Direction and Random Waypoint mobility models has a constant value, but the Gauss-Markov and Random Walk mobility models with increasing stations have a smaller Tx-bytes value.
Keywords— SDN, SDWN, Mobility model, Mininet-Wifi.