Perwitasari, Susanti Indah. 2023. Development of Science Teaching Modules with
STEAM Project integrated with ESD to Increase Students’ Creativity and
Sustainability Awareness in Kurikulum Merdeka. Thesis, Science Education
Magister Program, Postgraduate, FMIPA, Surabaya State University. Supervisor:
(I) Dr. Eko Hariyono, M.Pd., and (II) Prof. Dr. Endang Susantini, M.Pd.
Keywords: STEAM, project, ESD, creativity, sustainability awareness
This research aims to create a Science Teaching Module (TM) with a
STEAM Project integrated with Education for Sustainable Development to increase
students’ creativity and sustainability awareness on a valid, practical, and effective
in Kurikulum Merdeka. The Teaching Module developed in the form of the Science
Teaching Module (TM) in Phase D Junior High School of Kurikulum Merdeka,
equipped with learning materials, students’ activity sheets, and assessments to
measure the achievement of learning objectives. This development research refers
to the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implement and Evaluate).
The data collection in this study are (1) validation methods to obtain data
validity of the Teaching Module, completed with creativity assessment instruments
and developed sustainability awareness; (2) test method to obtain student creativity
data using developed questions based on 3 indicators by Torrance (fluency,
originality, elaboration) that adapts SSCM (The Scientific Structure Creativity
Model); (3) observation methods to observe the implementation of Teaching
Module (TM) learning, student activities and obstacles during the learning process;
and (4) questionnaire method to determine student sustainability awareness, and
obtain an explanation of student responses to the learning implementation. The data
obtained then analysed using quantitative and qualitative techniques.
The research results show that the validity of the Teaching Module, the
creativity instrument and the sustainability awareness instrument are all very valid.
In another hand, the implementation of learning percentage is 99.01%, student
activity is 95.04%, describes that all the results are very good. Then, sustainability
awareness shows 83.09% positive and 92.3% students indicates the positive
response, they indicate the results are very good. The statistical results of the Sig
value or P-Value N-Gain increase the creativity by 0.281 > 0.05 which means that
there is influence on the use of Science Teaching Modules with ESD-integrated
STEAM Project to increase students’ creativity. Based on these results, it can be
concluded that the STEAM Project Science Teaching Module integrated with
Education for Sustainable Development to increase student creativity and
sustainability awareness in Kurikulum Merdeka is valid, practical, and effective so
that it is suitable to be applied.