Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kevalidan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan media pembelajaran Komik Berbasis Etnosains pada Sub Materi Pemisahan Campuran untuk Melatihkan Kemampuan Literasi Sains Siswa Kelas VII. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah R&D yang dibatasi pada tahap uji coba. Aspek kevalidan diperoleh dari penilaian tiga validator. Aspek kepraktisan diperoleh dari penilaian dua pengamat keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dan respon siswa. Aspek keefektifan diperoleh dari hasil tes literasi sains. Hasil penelitian tersebut kemudian dianalisis dan dideskripsikan berdasarkan skala likert kemudian ditentukan moodus dari hasil penilaian. Hasil penelitian pada aspek kevalidan memperoleh modus 4 yang termasuk dalam kategori layak digunakan. Aspek keefektifan terjadi kenaikan pada tes literasi sains sebesar 0,6 dan terjadi kenaikan level literasi sains dari level 3 ke level 5. Aspek kepraktisan pada keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dinilai baik oleh dua pengamat, dan siswa memberikan respon positif terhadap pembelajaran menggunakan Komik Berbasis Etnosains.
Kata kunci: Komik berbasis etnosains, literasi sains, pengembangan
This study aims to describe the validity, practicality and effectiveness of learning media Ethnics Based Comics on Sub Mixed Separation Materials to Train Science VII Literacy Skills of Class VII Students. The research method used is R & D which is limited to the trial phase. The validity aspect is obtained from the assessment of three validators. Practical aspects obtained from the assessment of two observers of the implementation of learning and student responses. Effectiveness aspects obtained from the results of the scientific literacy test. The results of the study were then analyzed and described based on the Likert scale and then determined the mood of the results of the assessment. The results of the study on the validity aspect obtained mode 4 which was included in the category of proper use. The aspect of effectiveness is an increase in the scientific literacy test of 0.6 and an increase in the level of scientific literacy from level 3 to level 5. Aspects of practicality in the implementation of learning are assessed both by two observers, and students give a positive response to learning using Etnosains Based Comics.
Keywords: Ethnics based science, science literacy, development