Nurwidodo WRS , 2022. The
Effect of Problem-based Learning Assisted by Video Media and Self- regulated Learning on The Tenth Grade Vocational
High School Student’s Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills . Advisors : (I)
Prof Dr. Siti
Masitoh, M.Pd. ,
and (II )
Prof. Dr. Yatim Riyanto , M.Pd.
Keywords: Problem-based
learning, self - regulated learning , critical thinking, problem solving.
research is an experimental study with a factorial design by applying a
problem-based learning model assisted by video media and direct learning . The experimen is applied in two different groups (a problem-based learning
model assisted by video media class
and direct learning class) based on self-regulated
learning (high, medium, and low) on critical thinking and problem solving
skills at
alternating current topic in Physics.
research concerns : (1) to determine the effect of
video-assisted problem-based learning on critical thinking; (2) to determine the effect of
self-regulated learning on critical thinking skills ; (3) to determine the effect of
video-assisted problem-based learning on problem-solving abilities ; and
(4) to determine the effect of self-regulated learning on problem solving
research was conducted at SMK Al Asyariah Prambon , Nganjuk Regency with the research population being X grade consisting of 122
respondents who were divided into two groups. The sampling procedure in this research used a purpose
sampling technique, i .e each subject was taken from the population chosen deliberately based on goals and
procedure for collecting data in this research used two methods: (1) the questionnaire
method, which aims to obtain data on self-regulated learning, which includes
high, medium, and low self-regulated learning; (2) the test method, aims to
obtain data about students' critical thinking and problem solving skills after
participating in the treatment. The data analysis technique used is the Manova
test and the
SPSS version 26 program.
results of this research indicate that: (1) there is an effect of problem-based learning
assisted by video media on critical thinking ; (2) there is an effect of self-regulated learning
on critical thinking skills ; (3) there is an effect of problem-based learning assisted by video
media on the ability to think. problem solving ; (4) there is an effect of self-regulated learning
on problem solving ability.
Based on these results, this research shows that the video-assisted problem-based learning
model can improve students' critical thinking and problem solving skills. So
that teachers can use it sustainably in other subjects which have the same characteristics. In addition, students are expected to be
able to improve self-regulated learning by learning independently so that
learning objectives will be achieved more
effective . Suggestions for further research is that the
next research is expected to be able to observe the influence of the independent
variable simultaneously on the dependent variable, so that the results obtained
become more accurate.