Media pembelajaran video animasi mampu membantu pendidik dalam proses kegiatan pembelajaran agar berlangsung dengan maksimal. Kondisi masa pandemi covid-19 ini penggunaan video animasi mata pelajaran IPA materi siklus air dapat membantu tercapainya tujuan penelitian dalam mengembangkan video animasi yang valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk digunakan sebagai usaha peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik. Jenis pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian pengembangan ini ialah pendekatan ADDIE. Subjek uji coba penelitian ini sejumlah 8 peserta didik kelas V SDN Kawedusan 01 Blitar. Hasil data kevalidan dinilai sangat layak dengan memperoleh persentase 90% untuk validasi media dan 85% untuk validasi materi. Kemudian, pada tahap ujicoba di sekolah dasar mendapatkan kriteria sangat valid pada kepraktisan media yang diperoleh berdasarkan hasil dari kuisioner pendidik dengan persentase sebesar 100% dan hasil kuisioner peserta didik dengan persentase sebesar 96%. Data keefektifan media video animasi siklus air diperoleh dari hasil belajar peserta didik berdasarkan dari pretest dan posttest yang memiliki peningkatan N-Gain sebesar 0,69 yang masuk dalam kategori sedang. Sehingga media pembelajaran video animasi mata pelajaran IPA materi siklus air dapat memberikan dampak yang baik dalam peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik.
Kata Kunci: pengembangan, video animasi, siklus air.
Animated video learning media is able to assist educators in the learning process so that it takes place optimally. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of animated videos for science subjects in water cycle materials can help achieve research objectives in developing valid, practical, and effective animated videos to be used as an effort to improve student learning outcomes. The type of approach used in this development research is the ADDIE approach. The trial subjects of this study were 8 students of class V SDN Kawedusan 01 Blitar. The results of the validity data were considered very feasible by obtaining a percentage of 90% for media validation and 85% for material validation. Then, at the trial stage in elementary schools, the criteria were very valid on the practicality of the media obtained based on the results of the educator's questionnaire with a percentage of 100% and the results of the student questionnaire with a percentage of 96%. Data on the effectiveness of the water cycle animation video media were obtained from student learning outcomes based on the pretest and posttest which had an N-Gain increase of 0.69 which was in the medium category. So that the animated video learning media for science subjects water cycle material can have a good impact in improving student learning outcomes.
Keywords: development, animation video, water cycle.