literacy is an individual’s capacity to formulate, employ, and interpret
mathematics in a variety of contexts. Mathematical literacy of each students
can influenced by one internal factor, namely Kolb’s learning style. Kolb’s
learning style consists of accomodating, diverging, assimilating, and converging.
The research is a qualitative-descriptive reseacrh that aims to describe
mathematical literacy students in PISA questioan solving on the content space
and shape based on Kolb’s learning style. This research technique used questionnaire,
test, and interview. The research subject were four students, each of had
accomodating, diverging, assimilating, and converging learning style. The
results of this research shows that (1) Students accmodating through the
process of identifying important aspect of promblems, translating promblems
into mathematical language, using mathematical cocepts and estimates to find solution,
reinterpreting the result of calculations but not re-evaluating the solution.
(2) Students diverging through the process of identifying important aspect of
the problem, incorrectly translating problems into mathematical language,
planning and implementing strategies using direct experiments, reinterpreting
the result of calcualtions and not re-evaluating the solution. (3) Students
assimilating through the process of identifying aspects of the problems,
translating into mathematical language clearly, using mathematical consepts and
writing step by step, reinterpreting the result of calculations, and
re-evaluating the solution. (4) Student converging through the process of
identying important aspect of the problems, not quite right in translating into
mathematical language, using mathematical concepts and direct experiments to
find solutions, reinterpreting the result and not re-evaluating the solution.
Keywords: mathematical literacy, space and
shape content, Kolb’s learning style