Lestari, Ikke W.P.
2021. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran
Berbasis Self Regulated Learning (SRL)
dengan Model Project Based Learning (PjBL) pada Mata Pelajaran Teknik
Pemesinan CNC di SMK Negeri 1 Pungging Mojokerto . Thesis, Technology and
Vocational Education Study Program. Postgraduate Program in Surabaya State
University. Advisor (I) Prof Dr. Muchlas Samani, M.Pd. and (II) Dr. Hj. Euis
Ismayati, M.Pd.
Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) is the ability considered
crucial for the success of study, work, and life in the information and
technology era in the 21st century. This study, therefore, aimed to analyze the
validity, practicality, and effectiveness of SRL based on CNC learning tools
with a Project Based Learning (PjBL) model in improving the ability of SRL for
students of grade XI TPM in SMK Negeri 1 Pungging.
In the implementation, this research used the Research
and Development (R&D) method adapted from the development steps developed
by Borg & Gall. These steps are simplified into 9 steps in 5 stages of
development, namely (1) preliminary research and information gathering stage,
(2) planning stage, (3) initial product development stage, (4) trial stage, and
(5) final product stage. The trial phase was carried out 2 times, namely
small-scale and large-scale trials. The first trial, the small-scale trial, was
carried out to 20 students with a one-shot case study trial design. Meanwhile,
the large-scale trial was conducted to 64 students in 2 intac classes with a noneequivalent
control group design trial. The subjects of this study were the students of
grade XI TPM 1 and XI TPM 2. For collecting the data, this research used
validation, observation and questionnaires. To complete the data, there were
five instruments used, namely (1) learning device validation sheets; (2)
learning implementation observation sheet; (3) teacher practicality sheet; (4)
student response questionnaires, and (5) self regulated learning (SRL) ability
assessment sheets.
The results of the research are: (1) learning tools for
CNC machining techniques based on SRL with PjBL model obtained very valid
criteria and have trusted reliability, (2) practicality of CNC learning tools
based on SRL with the PjBL model obtained very good criteria based on the
implementation of learning and very positive criteria based on the teacher's
practicality assessment and student responses, (3) there was a very significant
enhancement SRL ability of students taught using the SRL-based PjBL model, (4)
the level of effectiveness of CNC learning based on SRL with a PjBL model in
improving SRL is in the medium category (g = 0.58), and (5) the weakness of CNC
learning tools based on SRL with the PjBL model requires a lot of time in the
learning process. Therefore, the teacher must always monitor every student’s
activity. As the result, teacher activities must work harder in supervising
every student’s activity.
Key Word: Self
Regulated Learning (SRL) Skill, Project Based Learning (PjBL) , CNC
Machining Technique.