SPORTS OF EAST JAVA PROVINCE (Study in Sub-Section of Budget and Program
Name : Satrio Agung
NIM : 16040263044
Study program : DIII State
Major : Public
Faculty : Social
Sciences and Law
Name of Institution : Surabaya
State University
Supervisor : Noviyanti,
S.AP., M.AP., M.Pol.Sc
Human resources is one of the most important factors in
an organization. The progress of an organization is determined by the
performance and effectiveness of employees in carrying out their duties. The
importance of performance, the organization needs to do an assessment to find
out the progress or setbacks of the achievement of its employees. Therefore, it
is necessary to evaluate the work that has been carried out by employees or
referred to as performance appraisal. The purpose of this study is to describe
the implementation of employee performance appraisal, and the obstacles that
occur in the implementation of employee performance appraisal at the Department
of Youth and Sports in East Java Province.
research approach used in writing this thesis is a descriptive study using
qualitative methods. The focus of this research is about the implementation of
employee performance appraisal and the obstacles that occur in the
implementation of employee performance appraisal at the Department of Youth and
Sports of East Java Province. In this study, researchers used data collection
techniques by interviewing, observing and documenting. As for the analysis of
data, researchers start from data collection, data reduction, data display, and
drawing conclusions / verification.
The results
showed that: 1) the implementation of the employee performance appraisal system
in the Department of Youth and Sports in East Java Province uses the SKP
assessment system based on Government Regulation Number 46 of 2011 concerning
Performance Evaluation of Civil Servants and Head of State Civil Service Agency
Regulation Number 1 of 2013 concerning provisions implementation of Government
Regulation Number 46 of 2011 concerning Performance Evaluation of Civil
Servants' Work. In implementing an employee job evaluation system using
employee work objectives (SKP), there are 2 (two) assessments, namely employee
work target assessment and employee work behavior assessment. The Department of
Youth and Sports of East Java Province in the assessment of the Employee SKP
assessed there are aspects assessed, namely: aspects of quantity, quality
aspects, and aspects of time. While in the assessment of employee work behavior
there are aspects that are assessed, namely: service orientation, integrity,
commitment, discipline, and cooperation. 2) constraints that occur are that
Appraisal Officers do not require employees to collect evidence of work results
or performance outputs that have been produced at the end of 2018, Employees do
not understand the SKP mechanism or workmanship or the implementation of
employee performance appraisal, and Appraisal Officers tend to provide good or
average grades flat to the employee.
Suggestions in
carrying out performance appraisal according to researchers are 1) appraisal
officials require employees to collect work results so that in the assessment
of SKP the documents as the employee's responsibility for the work for one year
can be matched with SKP, 2) SKP work can be done by sitting together, and 3)
the assessment is carried out more equitably according to the work of
Performance Appraisal, Employee Work Targets.