Abdul . 2019. The Effects of Motivation, Personality, and Environment on the
Interest of Generation Z For Choosing to Continue College Study in the Islamic Senior High School of Pasirian
sub-district, Lumajang district. Thesis,
Economic Education Study Program, Postgraduate of Surabaya State University.
Mentor: (I) Prof. Dr. Bambang Suratman, M.Pd., and (II) Dr. Andre Dwijanto
Witjaksono, ST., M.Si.
Key Words: Motivation,
Personality, and Environment, Z
Generation's Interest, College .
This study aims to analyze (1) the presence or
absence of the influence of motivation on the interest of generation Z to
choose to continue their studies to college in the Islamic Senior High School
sub-district of Pasirian, Lumajang district; (2) the presence or absence of the
influence of personality on the
interest of generation Z to choose to continue their studies to college in the
Islamic Senior High School sub-district of Pasirian, Lumajang district; (3) the
presence or absence of environmental influences on the interest of generation Z
to choose to continue their studies to college in the Islamic Senior High
School sub-district of Pasirian, Lumajang district; and (4) whether or not
there is influence of motivation, personality, and environment together or
simultaneously influence the interest of the generation Z to choose to continue
his studies to college in the Islamic Senior High School sub-district of
Pasirian, Lumajang district.
This research
using quantitative research approach. The population in this study 288 class XI
and XII students held in three Islamic Senior High School Pasirian Districts
Lumajang Regency. The sampling technique used simple random sampling with a
sample of 162. Data collection techniques in this study used a questionnaire
and interviews. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression
Based on the
results of data analysis, conclusions show that partially (1) there is a
significant effect of motivation on the interest of generation Z to choose to
continue their studies in college; (2) the absence of personality influences on
the interest of generation Z to choose to continue their studies in college;
and (3) there is a significant influence of the environment on the interest of
generation Z to choose to continue their studies in college in the Islamic
Senior High School sub-district of Pasirian, Lumajang district. While
simultaneously the significant influence of motivation, personality, and
environment together or simultaneously influence the interest of generation Z
to choose to continue their studies in a college in the Islamic Senior High
School Pasirian sub-district, Lumajang district. This is indicated by the results
of the F Test which obtained a significance value of 0.00 < 0.05. This can
be interpreted that the influence of motivation, personality, and environment
influences the interest of generation Z to choose to continue their studies in
the Islamic Senior High School in Pasirian sub-district, Lumajang district.